Apr 15, 2010 13:33

Originally posted at Uncreated Conscience.

I like to pretend I'm Mrs. Coulter from Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials.

Today’s bit of Sunday narcissism actually comes on a Thursday. This past weekend I went to my first (beer!) Dances of Vice event with my friend Jack Violet, dressing up in our 1920s/1930s Shanghai Foxtrot best. I jump upon any excuse to play dress up and dressing up as Asian Jazz Age? HELL YES.

Narcissism aside, I think what I really want to do is continue writing about literary fiction. Agent Kathleen Ortiz and I went out to dinner the other day to chat about business and books and somehow got onto the subject of literary fiction, what comprises it, and how to identify it. (We do this often.)

I’ve tried to explain about literary fiction before, but in the end, aside from being like porn, literary fiction can really be summed up with “I SEE WHUT U DID THAR”. Let’s take my favourite books of all time as an example. I consider HIS DARK MATERIALS extraordinarily literary and proof that literary and “fast-paced with a cracking good story” are not mutually exclusive.

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