Originally posted at
Uncreated Conscience.
I was initially going to post this tl;dr post on ebooks and digital publishing on Friday, but then the entire Amazon vs. Macmillan kerfuffle came up Saturday. Other people have written much more eloquently and intelligently than me about the subject, so I won’t bore you with my own thoughts.
- Post from agent Rachelle Gardner about e-rights and digital rights management.
- Post from Scott Westerfeld about how this affects the author.
- Post from writer Tobias Buckell about…a lot of things, but I swear this is a really good article.
- A really great breakdown from John Scalzi
- Agent Nathan Bransford explains the “agency” model.
Corporate snit-fits aside, the real issue at stake here was the future of digital publishing. Ebooks have been a sticky subject for a very long time.
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