Originally posted at
Uncreated Conscience.
I read a manuscript yesterday that was so searingly bad I swear it singed off my eyebrows. I can only suspend my disbelief so far. And it was all going along so swimmingly in the first 100 pages or so and them bam! it jumped the shark. Well, it wasn’t that it jumped the shark so much as it got eaten by Jaws and left me with a mangled corpse that I am somehow expected to fix. El Jefe has left the editing and editorial letter to me and I’m not quite sure how to go about this. There are only so many ways you can nicely say “WHAT IN HOLY FUCKING HELL???????”
Anyhow, part three of my query “liveblog” follows beneath the cut. I’ve noticed that I’m an eternal optimist. I’ll request many things from slush, hopeful that it will be brilliant. Unfortunately, so many fail the partial stage. But that’s another post.
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