Gamzee: Discover Communicator

Mar 07, 2011 16:28

TC: WoAh, DaMn! ThIs ThInG iS lIkE a BaBy HuSkToP.
TC: i DiDn'T eVeN nOtIcE iT iN mY pOcKeT.
TC: iT's JuSt OnE mIrAcLe AfTeR aNoThEr ToDaY, iSn'T iT? :o)
TC: fIrSt I'm In PrOsPiT aGaIn, AnD nOw I fInD tHiS tHiNg!
TC: ToDaY iS fAnTaStIc.
TC: ThOuGh, ThIs PlAcE lOoKs LeSs AnD lEsS lIkE pRoSpIt ThE mOrE i LoOk At It.
TC: FoR oNe EvErYtHiNg IsN't GoLdEn As ( Read more... )

1st honk

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tripolardisordr March 8 2011, 11:40:10 UTC
What are you even saying.


Gamzee: Reply to Strange Red-Haired Thing's Text. thegreathonk March 8 2011, 22:10:46 UTC

WhAt ArE yOu EvEn MoThErFuCkInG sAyInG?
hOnK :o)
AlSo, WhAt ArE yOu EvEn?


Kanan: Be angry about everything, forever. tripolardisordr March 8 2011, 22:31:13 UTC
Why are you typing like that, it is ridiculous.


Gamzee: Don't be angry about anything, ever. thegreathonk March 8 2011, 22:59:38 UTC

I jUsT gOtTa SpEaK tHe WaY mY hEaRt TeLlS mE tO.


tripolardisordr March 8 2011, 23:16:25 UTC
Are you for real? Do you have any comprehension of the situation you are in?


thegreathonk March 8 2011, 23:19:48 UTC

I'm In ThE sItUaTiOn Of AbOuT tO bE sLaMmInG dOwN a WiCkEd FaYgO iF yOu WaNnA dRoP bY fOr A sHaRe.


tripolardisordr March 8 2011, 23:27:09 UTC
You've been kidnapped, you dolt! We all have! We're at the mercy of a bunch of psychotic humans in another dimension! They're probably going to run weird experiments on us! What's a Faygo!


Gamzee: Make peace offering to the Strange Red Shouty Thing thegreathonk March 8 2011, 23:33:13 UTC

WoAh NoW, yOu NeEd To ChIlL tHe FuCk OuT aNd CrAcK oPeN a FrOsTy OnE oN mE sOmEtHiNg SeRiOuS.
fAyGo Is OnLy ThE mOsT rIgHtEoUs Of AlL tHe MoThErFuCkInG bEvErAgEs.
AlL oF tHeM.


Kanan: Accept tribute from strange inferior creature tripolardisordr March 8 2011, 23:44:05 UTC
It's a drink? [Hmm...well, this place is lacking in tasty treats. And no one ever accused Kanan of having good impulse control.]

...very well! I shall indulge you and partake of one of your foreign refreshments. If only because this place is seriously boring and I have nothing better to do.


thegreathonk March 8 2011, 23:47:17 UTC

ThAt'S wHaT i LiKe To HeAr!
JuSt HoP oN oVeR tO...
I dOn'T kNoW wHeRe I aM. :o(


tripolardisordr March 8 2011, 23:57:01 UTC
Are you kiddi

Can you try to describe your surroundings?


thegreathonk March 9 2011, 00:10:27 UTC

I fOuNd ThE sHoRe.
So I dEcIdEd To ChIlL oUt HeRe AnD wAtCh ThE cLoUds.
ThEy CaN bE sO bEaUtIfUl SoMeTiMeS.
eSpEcIaLlY wHeN tHoSe MoThErFuCkErS dO a DoUbLe TeAm On My SeNsEs WiTh ThE wAvEs.
ThAt ShIt GeTs MeSmErIzInG.


tripolardisordr March 9 2011, 01:20:19 UTC
That sounds rather nice. Shall I come join you? [Because this guy is kind of hilarious, no way is she passing up the opportunity.]


thegreathonk March 9 2011, 01:40:30 UTC

FeEl FuCkInG fReE.
i DoN't PlAn To Be MoViNg AnYtImE sOoN.
aNd YoU sOuNd LiKe YoU'rE iN sOmE cRiTiCaL nEeD oF sOmE mIrAcLeS tO hElP wItH tHaT kIdNaPpInG tHiNg.
HoNk :o)


tripolardisordr March 9 2011, 02:25:55 UTC
YOU WERE KIDNAPPED TOO YOU DUMBA I'll be around shortly.

[ooc: feel like commentlogging it or not?]


thegreathonk March 9 2011, 02:53:31 UTC

DoN't GeT eAtEn By MoNsTeRs On ThE wAy.
I'vE gOt An InSiDeR tIp ThOsE mOtHeRfUcKeRs ArE lUrKiNg ArOuNd HoPiNg To CrAsH mY mAd FaYgO pArTy.

[ooc: That's a complicated question given that I'm trying to figure out, based on how I anticipate future event taking place, how best to structurally work this scenario. What would you think, seeing as how you have more experience than I? ._.


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