Gamzee: Discover Communicator

Mar 07, 2011 16:28

TC: WoAh, DaMn! ThIs ThInG iS lIkE a BaBy HuSkToP.
TC: i DiDn'T eVeN nOtIcE iT iN mY pOcKeT.
TC: iT's JuSt OnE mIrAcLe AfTeR aNoThEr ToDaY, iSn'T iT? :o)
TC: fIrSt I'm In PrOsPiT aGaIn, AnD nOw I fInD tHiS tHiNg!
TC: ToDaY iS fAnTaStIc.
TC: ThOuGh, ThIs PlAcE lOoKs LeSs AnD lEsS lIkE pRoSpIt ThE mOrE i LoOk At It.
TC: FoR oNe EvErYtHiNg IsN't GoLdEn As ( Read more... )

1st honk

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apocalypticals March 8 2011, 05:01:58 UTC
not prospit
its called fortuna

not a husktop
the device is much more limitied

no demons attacking
just monsters

any other questions


thegreathonk March 8 2011, 22:08:06 UTC

YoU'Re HaNdInG oUt InFoRmAtIoN lIkE tHaT sHiT's On SaLe.
I'm GoNnA hAvE tO pAsS uP tHiS oPpOrTuNiTy ThOuGh.
DoN't WaNnA rIsK sPoIlInG aNy Of ThE mIrAcLeS.
yA kNoW?


apocalypticals March 8 2011, 23:04:30 UTC
i am not sure i do
but if thats what you prefer
ill leave you to it


thegreathonk March 8 2011, 23:15:46 UTC

ThAnKs, BrO!
I'lL bE cHiLlInG hErE iF yOu NeEd AnYtHiNg.


apocalypticals March 9 2011, 01:54:55 UTC
make sure you dont get eaten by anything


thegreathonk March 9 2011, 02:04:00 UTC

SuRe ThInG!
i HaVeN't EvEn SeEn AnYtHiNg ElSe ArOuNd HeRe.
BuT i'Ll KeEp A wEaThEr EyE oUt FoR tHe DeMoN.
wAiT, i MeAn ThE mOnStErS.
hOnK :o)


apocalypticals March 9 2011, 03:52:31 UTC
if youre sure youre ok
best of luck i guess
if you want someplace to stay
someone will come get you
and show you our hive


thegreathonk March 9 2011, 04:04:57 UTC

We HaVe OuR oWn HiVe?
yOu MoThErFuCkErS HaVe GoT eVeRyThInG fIgUrEd OuT dOn'T yOu?


apocalypticals March 9 2011, 04:28:17 UTC
we try
its on marshal street
just so you know


thegreathonk March 9 2011, 04:44:32 UTC

MaRsHaL sTrEeT? nEvEr HeArD oF iT.
i'Ll dO sOmE pIoNeErInG aNd SeE iF i CaN't FiNd My WaY tHeRe.
MaYbE a MiRaClE wIlL cOmE mY wAy, WhO kNoWs?
HoNk :o)
BuT fIrSt ThIs OcEaN nEeDs A nIcE lOnG gAzE dRoPpEd DoWn On ItS wAvY aSs.
HoW's LiFe In CaMp ArAdIa?


apocalypticals March 9 2011, 05:05:44 UTC
life is ok
more than ok
considering it is actually present
for the first time in awhile


thegreathonk March 9 2011, 05:24:12 UTC

I'm HaPpY tO hEaR tHaT!
i ToLd YoU tHeRe WaS a BrIgHt SiDe oF bEiNg A rObOt FrOg.


apocalypticals March 10 2011, 01:41:43 UTC
i dont know if i would say that
but it was vital to the plan
so i didnt mind


thegreathonk March 10 2011, 01:49:10 UTC

AnY pLaN tHaT InVoLvEs BeInG a RoBoT fRoG sOuNdS pReTtY mOtHeRfUcKiNg AwEsOmE tO mE!
wHy DiDn'T i GeT iN oN tHaT sHiT?


apocalypticals March 10 2011, 01:59:14 UTC
i imagine
probably because you had some other role to play
in the plan that is


thegreathonk March 10 2011, 02:07:53 UTC

I gEt A rOlE iN tHiS pLaN tOo?
MoThErFuCkInG sWeEt!
I bEt My PaRt Is GoInG tO bE kIlLeR!


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