Mar 26, 2011 22:21
[You find a number of videos from Gamzee that are varying in length from about 00:03 seconds to 00:07 seconds long. If inspected, one would be witness to short clips of either Gamzee's bewildered face or what appears to be a humble pile of clown horns. There are also green pies everywhere. Most of them have been collected into a mountain of pies that dwarfs the horn pile considerably, but the rest are just haphazardly scattered all over the place.]
--terminallyCapricious [TC] began trolling discedoCity [DC]--
HeY gUyS nOw ThAt I'vE hAd SoMe TiMe To SeT uP iN tHe HiVe,
ThE mOsT bItChIn' HoRn PiLe In AlL oF aLtErNiA iS oPeN fOr BuSiNeSs!
AnY bRoThEr Or SiStEr CaN bUy ThEmSeLvEs SoMe TiMe On My HoRnS fOr OnLy 420 BoOnBuCkS!
aNd I'm InTrOdUcInG a BrAnD nEw FrEqUeNt HoNkEr PrEmIuM mEmBeRsHiP pRoGrAm!
I hAvEn'T fIgUrEd OuT tHe SpEcIfIcS oN tHaT sHiT yEt,
BuT iT's GoInG tO bE bItChTiTs.
HoNk :o)
--terminallyCapricious [TC] has ceased trolling discedoCity [DC]--
the horn pile chronicles,
gamzee makara,
2nd honk,
frequent honker membership program