(no subject)

Feb 22, 2007 22:23

Greys... was intense. Honestly, that was the first episode of Grey's that I have ever truely cried while watching. Actually, I cried twice while watching. I think that was the best episode ever. Like if you ranked them, I'm pretty sure that one would be the first one. Mer and Der... very much on the rocks (or so it appears to me- my friends beg to differ. Izzie- although the thing with Denny is what made me cry (and I mean sob) in its adorable sadness, she was a first class bitch! I know she was sad and all, but saying that stuff to Callie was completely uncalled for. Yeah, so she's George's best friend, and I know she thinks she's doing the right, friend-ly thing by telling him she thinks he's making a mistake- but it's not her call, and it's most certainly not appropriate to say those things while your roommate lies dying. It was dissapointing to see Izzie, one of my favorite characters, acting like that.
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