Sep 25, 2005 23:53
I finally got around to watching The Ring 2 and I've decided that whoever wrote the screenplay is a jerk. Samara is perfectly nice to anyone that isn't rude or condescending to her, why is it that nobody bothers talking to her or being at all nice to her? Never once did anyone just give her what she wanted, nor did they ever even consider it as a possibility. Where I come from you're nice to the people that are much more powerful than you could ever hope to be, you don't treat them poorly trying to kill them every chance you get. That just pisses them off. She just wants a little love and understanding, what's so damn hard about giving that? Samara is a perfectly nice girl and someone that would be a great person to have as your friend. So what if she's killed bunches of people and terrorized countless others, that's what all powerful people do. Why is it so hard for people to get past the fact that she's dead and see her for the lonely, intelligent, wonderful person she is?