Been busy today, and I'm still not done by any means, but my back is kinda sore so I'm taking a break and watching some Total Drama Island. lol
I've gotten as much packing as possible done, all that's left it stuff like my toothbrush and te odds and ends I'll need to use when I get up in the they have to wait. :/ My room is clean to, it'd gotten a little bad since I didn't clean it last week before leaving >.> can't do that again, Fri/Sat is the only real time I have to do that...when I miss room gets scary.
Still got to wash dishes, but I'm putting that off...most of the dishes are Ryan's..and are gross...and I really dislike touching other people's old food. D: I can stick my hands down the sink drain in the paint room (where all manner of things, not just old, nasty, paint reside), but I cannot wash someone else's dishes...I know I'm weird....shush. Gotta take out trash tomorrow too...bleh. I sent off the last of my Valentine's crap for the family so that's all done and I don't need to worry about it anymore...
Tomorrow I' just need to run up to like, Target, or somewhere and grab a few last minute things and go get stuff for a fast dinner before Faith gets here.
I cleaned out the sinks in the paint room earlier today....that was a JOB. It was dirty and gross but I like, obsessed over it, and got it nice and pretty (well, pretty as it will ever be)...and I think my random OCD moment completely threw poor Liz. HAHAHAHA. Since tonight was opening night half the group got out of any real work. Yet I still managed to get harassed into my jeans are COVERED in wood glue. Wonderous, no?
Now for random/fun things:
Mike and Bryan OWN ALL....I mean, I do think some Zutara is cute, but so is Kataang (and it IS cannon)..but this is seriously hilarious!
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