Hold the S because I am an AINT

Oct 09, 2008 01:04

(I wasn't going to hit the 'post' button, but I figure I've typed the damn thing...I might as well, right?)

There is someone who keeps approaching me via IM and telling me all about the ways in which their life sucks and how they want to die and all this other incredibly emo stuff....

At first it was very upsetting, I've known people who've killed themselves and it is a terrible thing to do not only to yourself but to the people you leave behind. I tried to encourage this person to find help, I tried to find ways that they could get real help for some of the 'problems' in their life that made them feel like they wanted to die, but every suggestion I came up with was immediately shot down and I was basically told 'that won't work for me' and that because I keep trying to get this person to stop being so down on themselves and see the positive in something that makes me 'naive' and that I must live life like a sheltered little princess. Like my life, or anyone's life really, is made of pixie dust or something. :/ I admit I've never been beaten, but then after having had this conversation with this person several times before, I don't know that I actually buy that they are either. And the bit about Cyanide? Right. I'm so going to believe that. *rolls eyes* As for the money and blah blah blah, he's 19, he needs to suck it up and stop being such a baby about his job...at 19 who the hell has a super awesome job that they just love, really?

You know what, fuck it, I'm just going to post the conversation:

**name removed** : Hey
**name removed** : Help
**name removed** : Or don't
**name removed** : Who cares
itscustomfaded : o_O, um, I was out grabbing food
**name removed** : Oh
**name removed** : XD
**name removed** : Sorry
**name removed** : I keep forgetting that Myspace retains you as being on after you leave
**name removed** : Duh, right?
itscustomfaded : lol
itscustomfaded : well, sometimes I walk away from the comp while still having my page open too, I'm sure that doesn't help
**name removed** : Definitely not
**name removed** : XP
**name removed** : Meanies
**name removed** : Tricking me like that
itscustomfaded : hahaha
itscustomfaded : so what on earth did you need help for?
**name removed** : It's passed now
itscustomfaded : ahh
**name removed** : XD
**name removed** : Heheh
**name removed** : No
**name removed** : I lied
**name removed** : I'm actually really bad off right now
itscustomfaded : ahhh, so then what's up?
**name removed** : Hold on, let me repurpose some text... make sure there's nothing second person remaining in there still...
**name removed** : Things at home get worse and worse. My father has taken to regularly beating me. They blow up when I try and get my college stuff worked on. At this point, I don't think I'll ever get to go. They keep hounding me to get a job, but whenever I do, all it does it utterly fuck my spirit. All I do is lie and bed and cry. I don't have many friends, and I don't think I'll ever date again. There's nothing that makes me happy anymore, I have no hobbies to speak of. I'm plagued by the certainty that hitting myself in the head has caused brain damage. I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know why I continue to draw fucking breath. Life has gotten progressively worse and worse over the past year. I've tried to kill myself thrice, in serious attempts. Once by slitting my wrists (I still have the scar from that), and twice by shopping around for cyanide online. I actually bought some, had it prepped, and the setup in my hand before I threw the whole glass in a dumpster. Death is the only concept that makes me happy. So many people would prefer me dead, and almost none would actively prefer me alive. Nobody cares about me; nobody likes me; nobody gives a damn if I live or die.
I'm still $4,000 dollars in debt from being locked away like a fucking animal. This has raped my credit score; and with the economy imploding around us, that basically spells "***** can't get a loan for anything".
**name removed** : Oh, and I am continually treated like a worthless animal
itscustomfaded : mmm, well, I mean. I dunno what I can say to you that I haven't at least once before.....all I can say really is that there's always a way - if you're willing to look for it.
**name removed** : That's not true
**name removed** : Starry eyed optimism is for people who live charmed lives
**name removed** : The only silve rlining here
**name removed** : Is that I can always find a way to eat
**name removed** : And, you knopw what?
Fuck that
itscustomfaded : wow...
**name removed** : Why do I want to live in a worthless rathole fucki8ng apartment, killing myself 60 hours a week, just to shove fucking food in my mouth?
**name removed** : Why would I want to live if I had not a damkn thing to live for?
**name removed** : Why would I want toll draw breath if tehre was no reason to?
**name removed** : Empty fucking existence
itscustomfaded : look, you have to know by now that I would love to help you with this if I possibly could, but sadly I can't. Not to mention that you always brush what I say aside when I'm doing my best here...so I'm not really sure what it is that you want me to say or do here. I'm not going to say 'yeah, you're right, you should go play in traffic' because I don't believe that...so..I don't know what else I CAN say to you that you'll even listen to
itscustomfaded : If you expect bad things and don't believe you're worth anything, then you won't be, and that is totally up to the individual
**name removed** : Oh
**name removed** : I get it
**name removed** : All I need to turn my life around is fucking Eye of the Tiger
**name removed** : WEhy yes. How very scientific
itscustomfaded : Not at all.
**name removed** : How very scientific indeed
itscustomfaded : But as I said, you won't even try, nothing will help you if you aren't even going to try it, and that's not my or anyone else's fault
**name removed** : What is there to try?
**name removed** : Youi act like there's always anm espcapwe plan
**name removed** : Which, to me, is nmothing but you ignoring reality to keep yourself from getting unhappy
**name removed** : And as you haven't faced a situation an iota as bad, you've never had it tested
**name removed** : Unless you can somehow prove there is, it just comes off as pathetic
itscustomfaded : right well, since you aren't going to bother to listen and since you have passed judgment on what I have and have not been through without actually knowing, I'm not interested in wasting my time trying to talk about this
itscustomfaded : it's painfully obvious that you're fishing for sympathy here, and I'm not biting today
**name removed** : Waitwait
**name removed** : In response 1
**name removed** : You attack me for making judgements
**name removed** : In response 2, you make a juidgement
**name removed** : And I fuckinjg demand you apologize for daring to suggest something liek that
**name removed** : Maybe you casn't fucking comprehend what it's like to go through something this hellacious
**name removed** : Bujt I am not "fisdhing for sympathy"
**name removed** : \I' m looking for a f8ucign answrt tyo nyt ,miseralnbe hellhpoele fof a ligfe
**name removed** : rly as b asd
**name removed** : And can [t comprewhbend hopw it affects my psyche
**name removed** : You can']t co me to a proper conclusion about my itnetntions
**name removed** : \O(nj short, fiucvkiigfn apioli gize
**name removed** : Fuckign apoligize
**name removed** : Fucking apologizew
itscustomfaded : no, I don't think I will. I try to help you the only way I can and you refuse it on every occasion. I cannot help you if you don't really want to be helped, and since you keep telling me these things then that's the only thing I can think of to explain it.
**name removed** : I com e to you for help and you want to take fucking potshots at me rather thban quetion yo9ur own goddamn berliegs>?
**name removed** : \Youi fuckjing cunt
**name removed** : What do you meam I don't wnat to be helped?
**name removed** : I rtesponmded logically to every point you've made
**name removed** : What, if I wanted help I'd blithely accept everytyhing you say?
**name removed** : Whart sense does thjat make?
**name removed** : You could do more
**name removed** : You reaslly fucking could
**name removed** : But no
**name removed** : Miss prin cess is too damn comfortable where she uis
itscustomfaded : And what ELSE can I do?
**name removed** : You'd ratrhewr fucking demonize me than bother to even entertain the notion that what you're saying is wrong
**name removed** : That's terrible
**name removed** : It's terrible you'd say that kind of thing about me
itscustomfaded : I never said I was absolutely RIGHT, but you won't even TRY IT.
itscustomfaded : and I dont' 'demonize you'
**name removed** : Your comment that it's painfully obvious this is a sympathy plea is demonization
**name removed** : And I don't appreciate being attacked like that
itscustomfaded : Right, attacked.
**name removed** : Did you disparage my character?
itscustomfaded : depends on how you want to see it. I don't think so...but whatever.
**name removed** : You don't?
itscustomfaded : No, I don't
**name removed** : You don't think saying I'm a weak willed person who would need to make cries for sympathy to validate myself isn't a bad thing?
itscustomfaded : Nope
itscustomfaded : Sometimes I whine for attention *shrugs*
itscustomfaded : Who the hell cares?
**name removed** : It's not a good thing
**name removed** : And I don't do it
**name removed** : And I don't appreciate intimation that I do
itscustomfaded : and I'm sorry, but didn't you just call me a cunt a moment ago?
itscustomfaded : I certainly MUST appreciate that, right?
**name removed** : Who said what first, though?
itscustomfaded : I don't care. There's a BIG difference, between the two anyways.
**name removed** : Yeah. I used a word merely to cause you harm. You disparaged my person
**name removed** : By any logical interpretation, the latter hurts more
itscustomfaded : Sure, whatever you say.
**name removed** : What do you mean, whatever I say?
**name removed** : Am I just an animal, making noises?
itscustomfaded : I don't believe I mentioned animals anywhere...
**name removed** : You seemed to vcease processing my words as intelligible information
**name removed** : And treated it like the braying of an upset donkey
**name removed** : I don't appreciate being treated liek an animal
itscustomfaded : I'm not treating you like any sort of animal, however I really just don't care to argue the point with you anymore
itscustomfaded : hence 'whatever you say'...
**name removed** : Liek an animal you can put back in its cage when you tire of it
**name removed** : Inconsiderate of it as a sentient being with feelings
itscustomfaded : Do you want to be a goddamn animal? Because you are the only one I see making that connection here.
**name removed** : I'm the only one making an open connection
**name removed** : I don't unjderstand what can be gained from pretending my analysis is unlikely to be right
**name removed** : I can't gather data respective to my interpretation, which isn't likely to be wrong at its core, anyway
itscustomfaded : Obviously. If I want to compare you to, or treat you like an animal I'll make it obvious all by myself, thank you very much, so if you're going to be making that connection to everything I say to you, kindly keep it to yourself.
**name removed** : Not necessarilly
**name removed** : You might dress it in cushier terms to make it easier to stomach for youy
**name removed** : Besides, it's clearly what's going on here
**name removed** : So why ignore it?
**name removed** : For the sake of what? Your happiness? Shoudl that conceal the truth?
itscustomfaded : excuse me? I don't need to dress up anything. I am well aware of how the world works and what can happen in it. My life isn't composed of rainbows and unicorns and maybe *I* don't 'appreciate' you assuming I'm to weak to get that.
**name removed** : Your unbridled optimism indicates otherwise, you know
itscustomfaded : So what.
itscustomfaded : If I want to see the good, then that's MY CHOICE.
**name removed** : So what?
**name removed** :Unhappy life/jadedness --> nonoptimism
**name removed** : Therefore, optimism --> happy life/naivety
**name removed** : naivetee, whatever
itscustomfaded : You know what, maybe I don't feel like negativity should stop me from doing what I like.
itscustomfaded : Shit happens, get a damn helmet and move the fuck on.
**name removed** : And all I'm saying is that your lfie has been blessed enought hat you can always move on
itscustomfaded : Right, I was blessed when my pseudo brother died last year, and I was blessed when the boy I used to read bedtime stories to and take to the park was basically murdered..
itscustomfaded : we were all just SO BLESSED, right?
itscustomfaded : Because I'm happy, and try to see the good and not the bad, those things couldn't possibly have been so awful and they couldn't possibly be something that has stuck with me, or made any difference in my life at all, otherwise I'd just be some shell of a human being..
itscustomfaded : fantastic
**name removed** : Comparative to the vast majority of people throughout the world, throughout history? Yes. Yes you were
**name removed** : They may have affected you, but they haven't destroyed you
**name removed** : Not enough has happened to destroy you
itscustomfaded : It will NEVER be enough. I'm not going to let anyone or anything else control my life that way.
itscustomfaded : You want to let other things shape you into an unhappy person, you go right ahead, it's your life and you can do as you like.
itscustomfaded : Well, you either don't get where I'm coming from here or you won't, either way I'm wasting time explaining myself to you when I don't need to. It's not my fault if when shit happens you can't get it together and pick up the pieces and make something decent of it. I'm done talking about this now. When you want to talk to me decently, fine, otherwise- have a good one.

...of course, I don't really have any intentions of talking to him again, I lack the energy to deal with this emo bullshit on the long term. This same sort of thing always happens when he says he wants my help and then doesn't get whatever it is he really wants out of things and he gets all snippy, he'll sort of apologize later, or just message me with an 'are we cool now?'. *shrugs* No, not this time. I just, I'm still someplace between pissed off and really fucking amused (there are parts of the conversation where I couldn't respond because I was too busy laughing my ass off, like at the degeneration of spelling as he got more 'upset'). And does anyone else see it like he's looking for sympathy here? Or possibly just trying to start an all out fight? Is it only me? Because I cannot see anything else it could be here. Ugh. I dunno, normally I'd be more worried I came off as too much of a bitch but...I really don't care, and personally I think in retrospect, I should have just let him have it rather than put up with this as long as I did....meh. Sometimes I'm much too nice......

Anyways, CONGRATS to Manny on getting her first apartment!! XDDD Hopefully your neighbors won't be a bunch of inconsiderate morons like mine. :/

boys are stupid, venting, wtf?, messed up, stupid, bullshit

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