So apparently I can still -type- in English,

Feb 07, 2010 03:30

butttt, my internet settings have decided I'M IN RUSSIA.

I was looking up directions to the European Market and talking to Faith, when suddenly:

As I was playing around on Google, I was (sort of) directed to, which is kind of cool (Naruto, in Russian, so much WTF and some kind of infomercial type thing for...building log cabins? I have no idea).

Sooo I decided to go to Facebook, and Gmail and a few other sites and see what that was doing...all in Russian as well. Input is in English, but the site itself, for me, in Cyrillic. Deciphering is fun (bless you Wikipedia!).


and I'm way too amused to bother trying to change it back. I'm sure I'll do it eventually, but for now, this is kind of funny.

PS: playing on nico nico:

POKEMON PARODY (I...oh my god. So much want right now...I don't even...gah)

Durarara!! - ver1 - all I can say is...WTFLOL Gilbird?! There are like..a million of those things though. It's crazy!
I don't even know >.>
Spirited Away ..I...what...PRUSSIAAAAA~! asdjkalks!!
Daw - I find this 'parody' to be incredibly...cute...not sure why
Bad Touch Trio does 'All the things she said ...and then Gilbert got bored.....Spain took a nap...I think drugs were involved here.
NINJA! So much
..potato? *dead*
O_O ...I need a ...moment. LMFAO

nico nico, russia, durarara!!, wtf?, funny, video

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