Oct 12, 2006 04:12
Do you ever lend a few minutes of your daily life to ponder what it’s all about, this thing we call: Life? Sometimes in passing, I remove myself from the realm of reality; disappear in a sense, and just watch. I look at people and wonder what they’re thinking about.
Usually, it boggles my mind to see how many people there are in this world to start with. I mean, there are something like 8 billion other people out there… each with their own set of worries, priorities, to-do lists, families and friends. Some are sane, some not so. Some are busy, distressed, worried, confused, or hurt.
Pain is a predominant emotion swirling around us all as we try to avoid it. We do whatever we can to distance ourselves from the ever-present factor in life. Can you distinguish those in pain? Can you tell who is giving their very best effort to disguise pain with fictitious confidence? I can. Sometimes I am one of them.
Furthermore, it is truly amazing to imagine every person has a different upbringing - different factors that contribute to the way they are. Some have had more than a fair share of memories they would like to forget. Some are yet to experience their ultimate wish-to-forget moments. I suppose all of us have that coming to us at some point. I don’t know… sometimes just looking at people gives you a new perspective into the very soul of the human race… all of these critters, crawling around in a world of filth, trying their best to find happiness.
To most, that’s what life is all about: finding happiness. It’s such a tragedy that happiness so escapes us, right after the peak of attainment. We think we have it, and then it flies away. My pastor used a wonderful analogy: it’s like trapping wind in a box. We run around with our boxes open, trying so desperately hard to capture our little piece of wind. SNAP! I have wind in my box! Oh, wait a second… the wind stopped… Back to the drawing board we go, searching for another breeze, another kick, another chance. Some can handle the paradox and continue running, like a hamster on a wheel, each time growing more fatigued with every effort.
Nonetheless, we’re all in the cage. Perhaps happiness lies outside the cage. After all, the reality we live in is a cage. We cannot escape reality, or time for that matter, no matter how hard we try. No amount of money, prestige, fame, or affluence can free us of the reality burden. We are and always will be within the confines of reality on this earth.
I don’t know about you folks, but sometimes this reality gets me down. This life is meaningless. As I recall, some time ago, in my LiveJournal, I wrote, “You’re born then you die. Good luck with all the shit in-between” or something to that effect. It’s kind of true, painful, but true. It’s a rough go.
In direct opposition to the cage of painful reality, God doesn’t want his people to be beaten down by the world. Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will. However, it’s no simple task. The fact of the matter is we live here. We must deal with all the crap flying around. Sometimes we take fire, and it sucks.
I don’t want to feel this way. If there is any meaning in this rant, perhaps it’s a Captain Obvious elongated attempt to say: Life is tough. It’s no mystery.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for all you’ve given me; the opportunities you’ve sent my way, the lessons you’ve taught me throughout the hard times, my family, a moderate amount of conventional wisdom, my friends, my values, my health and sanity. Thank you. Lord, I ask you to give me strength. I need you help. I’m feeling beaten down by the world. Nothing is impossible with you, Lord. Nothing, for you are outside of this reality. You created it. You control it. You are the supreme wisdom I seek. I need your help. I’m so stubborn and maybe a bit prideful. I need your help. Grant me wisdom, patience, kindness and love. Grant me wisdom, patience, kindness and love, so that the world may see You through my life. I cannot do this alone. I need You. I love You. Help me.
Ecclesiastes says the very same thing. I’d consider it one of the most relatable books of the bible. Everyone can totally plug their own experiences into that book. It strikes home. It states that no matter our status or riches in life, we all face the same fate. We all die. It concludes by saying: If [someone] believes there is no God, when we die, evangelicals and atheists alike, both lose. However, if there is a God, the believer will gain everything.
Lord, help me to retain faith, all the days of my life. I know you’re out there. There is more to this life than we’re capable of seeing from inside this cage.
Pedro the Lion - Lullaby:
The sun shines, and leaves blow, and my hope like autumn is turning brown. I know it seems like I'm always falling down. But it does not matter to me, although it seems like it should. It's because I know I'm understood when I hear Him say, “Rest in me little [Dane], and dry all your tears. You can lay down your armor, and have no fear, cause: I'm always here when you're tired of running. I'm all the strength that you need.”
It's uphill both ways. Tomorrow I swear I won't act this way. I know it seems like that is what I always say. But it does not matter to me, although it seems like it should. It's because I know I'm understood when I hear Him say, “Rest in me little [Dane], and dry all your tears. You can lay down your armor, and have no fear, cause: I'm always here when you're tired of running. I'm all the strength that you need.”
You know I want to be like Jesus, but it seems so very far away. When will I learn to obey? Obey.