Ahh, Biloxi.

Jun 30, 2007 14:31

Well, here I am. Biloxi, Mississippi. Ive been here about 3 weks now, and its alright. Compared to basic training, its f'ing heaven, but compared to normal life, its a little more restricted. I have a curfew until mid-july of midnight on the weekends and 10pm on nights that i have class the next morning, so that kind of sucks. I have to keep my room spotless, which for those of you who know me, isnt too easy. The surrounding area is basically like Tacoma, a little more run down and urban than Wheaton. The base though is really nice. My dorms are basically like living at a hotel. except I have a twin bed, not a full size queen (boo-hoo, right?). Theres a pool, a gym, a movie theatre and a decent club all within 100-150 yards of my front door. the beach is about a mile and a half away, but its outside the main gate, so I havent been there yet. I did go off base yesterday, though, to the mall. It was an experience... I got both sides of being Military... People who dont like you and people who do, but that comes with all walks of life.

Anyways, all in all, Im having a good time. Class is hard, but noone said learning Air traffic would be easy. I have to study about an hour each night, sometimes more, but thats OK. I will admit, it seems pretty exciting. The big downside is that I'm here until september (maybe october) and I wont know where I'm stationed until a month before I leave. I dont know when I leave yet because my schooling is in 2 halves, one for the classroom portion and one half for simulators (tower control or radar control). The simulators half may not start rght away which means I wait 3-4 weeks for the next sims class to start. Oh well, whatever happens will happen, and when I know where I'm stationed I'll know.

I will admit I'm getting a little bored. yes already. That should change when I can go off base in my civilian clothes (right now i have to wear blues), because then we can go to the nightclubs and casinos and junk in the surrounding area. until then though i'll probably end up just hanging around on base, which isnt too bad, just boring sometimes...

Well, that about wraps it up, so until next time, Live for Today.

~Josh (AKA: Airman Foster)
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