Feb 13, 2005 16:29

Yeah, so I'm back, and wicked bored. It's all like, "Hey Grant, it's me, life, and I'm here to be really fucking boring. SUCKA!"

Something like that.

Another succesful band practice yesterday. I Hate Boy is gonna kick some major ass.

The End.

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Comments 3

fatalxfury February 19 2005, 18:35:24 UTC
i wanna hear i hate boy.


emokidtp February 20 2005, 05:12:37 UTC
Well dude, there may be one problem with I Hate Boy at this years talent show. Mrs. Billouin might say that "Seventy Times Seven" is inapproriate. And, just in case I think we should learn another song. I would like to try a Sugarcult song. But before we do that, we should learn "You're So Last Summer" and we do still need to have more practices. But hell yes my friend, we are gonna kick some major ass this year. And I swear to God if Connor comes up to me and says "hey. at the talent were out of tune. You're supposed to tunes to E"


Timmy P.


thegreat_gachby February 22 2005, 04:23:58 UTC
He'll do it, and we all know it.


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