Recommended Reading from Erin: Imaginative

Feb 22, 2009 16:14

Story: Imaginative
Author: luchia13
Rating: PG
Author's summary: Azkadellia tries to make amends.
Characters/pairing: Azkadellia and Glitch
Warnings: Disturbing Imagery.

Recced because: Not only was this my favorite story to come out of tm_challenge's Grand Prix, but probably one of my favorite Tin Man fics EVER! Seriously. It's one of those that, after reading, doesn't leave you. EVER. Even if you want it to.

*Extra thanks to kseda to helping figure out who actually wrote it, as it was anonymous when first posted.
EDIT: Let's all just ignore the fact that I commented on the story in August, okay? *facepalm*

Lu, did I use the right tags? o.O *first time, thanks!* That's what I thought! :p

charactercentric: glitch, charactercentric: azkadellia, rating: pg, reccer: erinm_4600, author: luchia13, genre: comedy

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