Two fics, to possibly make up for all the days I missed. Again, Glitch/Ambrose Week, apparenlty.
You, Who I Couldn't SaveAuthor:
naturalbluicons Rating PG
Author's summary: “He wishes he could forget all the bad things because she just looks so sad.”
Characters/pairing: Azkadellia, Glitch (possibly budding Azkadellia/Glitch)
Warnings: You’ll probably be wanting to have read
Silver Shoes because this throws back to it.
Recced because: Heartbreaking. Heart. Break. Ing. Especially the last line.
Renounce Author:
surranndie Rating: PG
Author's summary: Why, after they learn Glitch's real name, do they continue to call him "Glitch?" Missing scene, after the vision in Ralph and Loraine's cabin.
Characters/pairing: Glitch, and crew
Recced because: IT IS ALL ABOUT THE FOURSOME LOVE. I mean, you get a great sense of Glitch and what he thinks about his involvement with the sunseeder, but it's really all about how the four interact with each other. How they have become family.