Twofer Tuesday! These probably do not count as creepy, but I like them as mind-trippy bookends. Enjoy!
Nonexistence (or, How He Learned To Run)Author:
luchia13Rating: PG-13
Author's Summary: He knew Nothing.
Characters/Pairing: Zero and a new Glitch; Zero/his first wife, and hints of Ambrose/Zero
Warnings: I always leave it to Lu: Primary warning is for seriously hardcore headcase POV. After that we have profanity, violence, and, as ever, Disturbing Imagery.
Recced Because: Somehow Zero running Glitch off after the headcasing has snuck into my personal canon, so this is flail-causing just for that. As for the "primary warning" I have to say it's one of my other favorite things ever, that stream of semi-consciousness where everything is new and familiar and new again and lost. Lu does it perfectly, and for a short piece it can be read over and over and you'll still catch new things. ♥
oddsbobsRating: G
Author's Summary: Every surgery has a recovery period. Glitch’s re-brainment is no different.
Characters/Pairing: ...Ambrose. And some slightly familiar faces.
Warnings: More stream-of-consciousness, nursey rhymes, and made-up science.
Recced Because: Fic trope I cannot stand #6: *zip, plop, zip* "Oh, that's better, off to the lab!" because it's a reverse hemispherectomy and it just doesn't work that way (I say that once a rec week too, don't I). Ambrose's struggle to integrate with himself and communicate with his friends is delicately beautiful and full of hope, and again there's so many details to latch onto. Chaotic warm fuzzies, here.