Get in the game

Jun 29, 2006 23:27

Dammt Dammit Dammit!!!

Dammit Dammit!

So I figured I wasn't going to be blogging much more. My life in general has become... well, fantastic. I'm beginning law school in august, as anyone who is likely ever to read this already knows. Also, same caveat applies, I am going to be a father in about a month. Basically, I'm happy, I feel great about life in general, and posts by me about my personal life would mostly be filled with "so the baby kicked today! It was awesome!". This, of course, would be followed after the birth by exclamations such as "Baby totally rolled over today! Well, not quite, but he/she kind of leaned like maybe it would happen! It was awesome!". I could say I wouldn't be that parent... but who are we kidding? Besides, some of you will get enough of that in person.

So... happily retired out of the world of blogging.

Until bloody well now. You see, it turns out that there is a lot going on outside the realm of me and my family and circle of friends. There is a lot going on in the... what was the phrase for that?... oh yes, a lot going on in the world.

I think that's important. I think its something we should all care about.

I will, therefore, soon be opening a new blog. I will update all of you with its location and name as soon as it is up.

I leave you with this thought. A man, Warren Buffett, the second wealthiest man on earth, recently donated 31 billion (that's right, billion with a 'b') to charity. This is most of his fortune, and is the largest charitable donation in human history. It will fund things like vaccinations for impoverished children world wide, health care, and disease research.

There are people who are comparing this man to a Nazi doctor responsible for some of the more horrific atrocities of the holocaust. They make this comparison because Mr. Buffett supports Planned Parenthood. To have an ideological disagreement with some of Planned Parenthood's services is one thing. To compare a man's tremendous act of conscience to the vicious, unmitigated evil of one of history's greatest villaims is inexcusable.

More on this to come. Why start with this? Surely there are other things, bigger things, to start with?

There are.

I used to wonder about where to start, how to do and say all the things I feel that should be done and said.

I figured something out, that can be summed up in a line from a tv show that ran only two seasons. The trick to doing what you can is just this.

Get in the game.

I'm in.
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