May 28, 2009 17:22
Yesterday was a superbly pleasant day. I slept in, watched that Adam kid from american idol do "Mad World"... made me tear up, while laying in bed at 11am. Loved it. Got up and showered and washed the dishes (not at the same time, but has anyone seen that seinfeld?). I went online and read for awhile. Drew, Amber and Becky came over. I was in the process of deciding where to hang all my posters. We all drove over to The Market to get stuff to make burritos. We came back and started cooking. Becky and I had some coronas. I opened up all my windows. The days lately have just been so beautiful. Perfect weather. Makes me smile. I wish I could enjoy it completely though and not feel that emptiness deep in my heart and soul. that sounds pretty major, because it is. I'm tired of being apart from Antone and wish we could be together and experience life together again. That was my favourite thing, was all the little things we could appreciate together. And I know we could really be enjoying this weather, some beers and music together.
We all watched Arrested Development. David popped in for an episode which was nice. He left and Drew, Amber and I went to get ice cream. Becky staid to lay on my bed and rest for a bit. We came back. Drew and Amber left after a bit. Becky and I watched "So You Think You Can Dance" and after talked for a long time. it felt really good. I went to bed shortly after she left.
I woke up around 8:30 today. I texted my mom cause we were supposed to get together for lunch. She came over to get me around 10:30. We went over to get my grandmother and went to Native Foods, a vegan restaurant in Costa Mesa. It was delicious! They liked it too. We went to a flower store for my grandma and then went back to her house. We all went in her hot tub for a bit and then laid out by the pool. It was SO relaxing. I'm so glad to have days off now. So much stress is gone. I did all my laundry there too. My mom and i went back to her house. I took a little nap. She just brought me home. I just opened up all my windows and now listening to elliott smith. I can hear the birds outside too.