(no subject)

Jun 12, 2007 22:55

So here's an update:

Moved into the new apartment, obviously. Things could not be better and the new place is sooo nice. I'll possibly get a second to post some pictures at some point. The move was kind of crazy and consisted of me driving a 17' u-haul and paying a random Mexican man some cash to help me and Dave unload. But it all came together and am currently writing this entry from my oh-so comfortable and oh-so MINE room. It's great.

The last posts are no lie. I did buy a baby pug. She is my heart and soul and I am currently writing this entry with one hand because she is asleep on my left arm. She is so precious but also a little devil. She can be so cuddly and cute, but also a typical puppy, running around, trying to chew on things, etc. She is going to be a ton of work, but a challenge I am more than happy to take on.

School is so boring and so easy and I only have about two more weeks of summer classes left until I can have the rest of my summer to work and do fun things for the law firm. I truly love my job because I'm not just the girl who runs and gets coffee. I'm the girl who does research and is assigned big cases, that I never even knew existed. And by assigned I don't mean that I actually get to represent anyone, especially in court. But I do get to contribute to the writing of briefs, researching past cases that will prove our point, listen in and take notes on important phone calls, etc. I started as the girl who finds files, makes copies, and sends out the mail. But I have really worked my way up in the firm, and really have proved myself. I'm sure if I decide to go into Industrial Property Law, this place would take me under in a second. They love me.

I don't share with many people my accomplishes at work, because no one really understands how big of a deal it is. I mean, maybe Dave does cause he also wants to be an attorney. But to anyone else it just sounds boring and as if I'm bragging using crazy law jargon, so unfortunately, most of my incredible workdays are shared with my brain and memories.

I recently joined Curves weightloss gym and have been working with a trainer to get down to a slim 100 lbs. Mind you, I'm 4'11. Weight is something I've literally struggled with my whole life, so this won't be easy. But the trainer is so supportive and really helpful and first the first time in my life I'm eating the way my body responds to in a healthy way. It's great.

Unfortunately, this entry will not contain a book review. But I did read Sex Drugs and Cocopuffs by Chuck Klosterman, and prior to that I read have of The Lovely Bones but couldn't finish it because it sucked so bad. Expect reviews in the future? I just started this other book now titled something something staggering genius or something or other. It's pretty long and I really haven't had much time to read with school, the puppy, moving, work, etc. But I'll get around to it. A good book never takes me more than a few days. Good being the keyword.
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