Jan 08, 2009 21:34
Wow, this was a bad week.
Nothing really worked out: homework was late, the latch on my macbook pro crapped out on me today, there was some sleep deprivation and absent-mindedness, the weather was bad and my feet got soaked when I walked a slushy quartermile in my uggs.
It just kinda sucked from Monday on. I wasn't ready to go back to school, and when I got here it kicked my ass. It makes me feel like such a downer because since when am I so uppity and depressed.
But now, the week is over.
After I finish texturing these 2 models (due online by midnight, I'm stalling...), my weekend officially begins!
(It's a weird weekend, though. Tomorrow I go to the art museum in the city with Geoff to get references for my Art History essay due on the 19th. Then I might go bowling with Alpha Xi Delta - there are rumors they're giving out COBs this weekend - or I might back out of that and just chill with Geoff, because I think I need it. Amy and Jor are coming to visit me on Sunday, but Amy would rather come earlier in the weekend because she wants to party. I could use a drink myself, haha. But I don't know if I want to have to watch her when she gets trashed, as I believe she intends to do)
Next week will be better. I need to get shit done earlier, though - I'm still in a science student frame of mind, which is that if I leave myself a few hours and then do my work all in one night it will be done to the best of my ability. Now, there's infinite possibility for improvement on every assignment, and my self-standards are high enough that I haven't been happy with things.
I have to remember how much I've improved in a month though. The learning curve on this stuff is very weird - me and maya, both incomprehensive and impressive. I don't know if that makes sense, but I know when I look back on this I'll remember exactly how I felt.
Today in 3d Materials we UV Mapped a character. It was exciting! I'm such a nerd haha. Also I need to devote more time to photography assignments for Imaging. I think if I put some effort into it I could take a hell of a lot out of that class and have a decent digital portfolio and a few nice prints. The panoramic sounds fun.
In the back of my mind is the Pixar Undergrad Program this summer. Applications due February...do I have the guts to apply?