Yesterday's festivities:
First, it was boredom plus movies. Then, the lovely Lucy's partay. I had quite a blast. It was very easy and funny and enjoyable. And Scattergories rocked my socks. I want my next birthday party to be as cool. Not saying my last one didn't kick some serious monkey ass. But anyways, fun night. And after that... umm.. my memory sucks.
Today's rockin agenda:
Started out late because I suck. I was ready for the day around noon (I'm lazy) and Brian and I started Back To The Future. But we needed lunch within the first hour. So, we mooched moolah from the madre and ate at Jack In The Box. It was actually really nice. Brian and I got to talk and it was fun. Then, we came back home and finished the movie around three. Which was around the time that Emm woke up. So, we just wandered a bit and then packed for our dad's. We're stuck in this shithole for two weeks. I want to shoot myself. It wouldn't be all that horrible if the stepfamily wasn't here.. but they are. They're home from Bolivia. Shoot me. Or better yet: shoot them. Gah, I'm horrible. Oh, and before we left for our dad's, my mom's boyfriend, Bill, stopped by. Brian met him for the first time. Then, on to our dad's. Grrr. We hung around until about 6:45 when Brian, Emm, Tiff, Suzy, and I headed over to Fuel for the best show ever. Gosh, did I have a fucking awesome time. I got to talk to Aaron and Matt, which I haven't done pretty much allllllll summer. Yayyy. And I got to talk to Amanda, too. And a whole load of other people. Although, Emm has started calling me Laur which is really fucking annoying. And she's also gotten Adam and Josh to do it, too. Roar. And um, Joker's Apprentice played and they were really good. I always enjoy them. And then..oh dear.. and then, YELLOW ROMAN CANDLES! They blow my mind. It probably sounds stupid since I'm Brian's little sister and all, but they are realllllly good. I mean, they have one song that gives me goosebumps. Very little music gives me goosebumps. Garsh. But, it all had to end. They finished a great set and we hung around fuel for a bit. Then, Brian dropped us off here. Tonite was really really really good times infinity. Hopefully, I get to see those two boys more this summer. I missed them.
And now, it's time for me to go. Bleh.
Waiting on the escalators for the New Jersey Transit Bus. It never did come.
China Town, bitches.
Los Smyths en el GUGGENHEIM!
Broadway Show.
Smyth kids rock Times Square.
Me taking a picture of Strawberry Fields. Neat-o.
Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village. (PS-Greenwich Village is where all your favorite rocks stars and artists hang out and live.)
Umm, I don't know where the hell I am here..
Oh, PS- someone should call me or something since I'm at my dad's which means two things 1. no curfew/any rules whatsoever and 2. this place is a fucking hell, save me. My/Brian's cell is 281 217 6530 or just call the house at 281 359 2586. I could care less if you were Avril Lavigne. You should call me anyways, it would mean the world to a lonely girl.
PPS- someone comment on these pictures at least. Since no one did on the others.