[Friends filter. If you think you're on it, then you are. Also, Martha intended to exclude Severus from this, but she forgot.]
I've something to tell you, something I meant to tell you sooner, but being in a coma and port interfered. Severus and I aren't just engaged, we're married and have been since right after we announced our engagement. The fact that we didn't tell you wasn't designed in any way to hurt anyone; it started because we wanted to keep it secret, and then things changed a bit.
I do love you all, and I want you to know that this is very important and serious to us. I wouldn't have married him if I didn't love him and didn't plan on having a life with him after the Barge and I hope you understand that.
Yes, we bet on it, but that doesn't negate the seriousness and importance of this to me, to us. I hope you're not angry, but I'll understand if you are. Really, I just hope you'll be happy for us.
In case you were wondering, my name is Martha Snape-Jones now; it sounds better than Martha Jones-Snape, I think.
[Warden filter]
As of today, I have asked the Admiral for the partial return of Coyolxauhqui's powers. She will not use them for a repeat of what happened before, and this is an important part of her rehabilitation. I'm just telling people so they're aware of it.
[Private to Snape]
Alright, Severus, I talked to Sirius and I know you're joining the queue of everyone else who's angry with me right now. Can we talk about it please?
[Private to the Admiral]
I'd like the return of the powers that allow Coyolxauhqui to feel divine. Not anywhere near to fully powered, but somewhere around 25% of her divine ability. Please don't give her the ability to communicate with her brothers, and not enough that she could leave the barge.