Feb 28, 2010 23:30
[Private to McCoy]
Leo, I screwed up. Really, really big. I totally screwed everything over with Rex. He's quit and... I just really didn't think things through.
I'm so sorry.
[Private to Five-Squinty strikes]
I need
Do you mind if I come and visit the TARDIS?
martha jones does not love the doctor,
martha jones is not an emo kid (for long,
doctor jones,
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Harper talked to Rex, and I don't know what happened in port, but it's bad. Rex got really angry with me over intruding and not speaking to him first... which maybe I should have but I was so angry I went to Harper...
And he quit. He quit and it's my fault and I'm really worried I've somehow screwed up his rehabilitation.
Martha, in the end of this whole mess you did what you thought was right. Don't go off beating yourself up over trying to make a difference and do your job in this tin can. Even so this can't happen again. I don't know what exactly Rex did or said that struck you so badly but unless he's going to wind up an immediate danger to himself or others 11-12's confidentiality- and Rex's- get first priority. 11-12's warden can deal with Lewis or Harper if he feels his inmate needs it. We can't go losing what little trust we have here, even if this was about friendship rather than profession. Half the damn ship doesn't have a good reason to trust anyone when their doctors need that trust.
Take a shift off. I'll let you know what Lewis says.
11-12's warden was absent, so absent that I had to ask the Admiral bring him back almost a day after he'd died. If it hadn't been for that, I would have been fine to let someone else deal with it. I really didn't mean to go sticking my nose into it.
There is something going on with him, though.
Thanks, Leo.
Rex was so angry he broke his communicator, I think. I heard a smash and there was writing after.
11-12 said that Rex had said a lot of horrible things about being gay, and when he was angry, Rex told me that he'd said things about him not being attractive.
But I'm sure something happened with both of them in port. I just don't know what.
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