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Dec 31, 2010 18:34

[It is well after dark before Aoife emerges.

The sunlight of the Shore had immediately sent her flesh into rapid decay and she had abandoned ship at once, swimming down, down to where that light could no longer pierce the hazy blue.

And she had stayed there, stayed until the sun was gone.

And now, after fire and water and the crushing press of the sea, Aoife is hungry.

She is, however, soon disappointed. The first bodies she comes across are not exhausted sleepers, but real corpses too ripe for feeding. But there is at least one small fire she can see. Someone must have survived. How many? How long will they last her? She needs a plan.

She slinks amongst the ruins, taking stock, and by the time she returns to the first pile of bodies, she knows what she must do. They're dead, and past needing any of the things they might still carry. But the living still need, and so does she.

So Aoife begins to unceremoniously strip the corpses of anything valuable: Clothes, jewelry, medications, weaponry, collecting her trove in a pile on the beach. What she cannot take, she makes note of: A lion's corpse, it's meat too ripe for eating, would still make a nice blanket when skinned; so too would the couple of wolf pelts, if Aoife only had a knife.

It is perhaps an hour, perhaps more before she wanders too far and mistakes a living body for one of the dead.

And she's hungry.]

[[OOC: Aoife won't be killing anyone tonight. You can get more from a sheep if you sheer it rather than skin it, after all. So, is your character in imminent danger of being chewed out by a vampire? Will they wake up in time? Will they save a friend?

Or do they sleep soundly, only to discover that the body of that friend or loved one they did not have time to bury before sunset has been desecrated overnight? At the very least, there's going to be one or two naked corpses on the beach.]]
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