Nov 25, 2006 05:01
So i Just got out of the hospital yesterday after being there for a week. I should of only been there for a couple of hours, or at most, overnight, but there were some big problems. The story is way too long for me to write it down so call me if you want to hear it. If you don't feel like calling me though, here's the short version:
Went to the hopital last friday and had the surgery, went fine.
Had to stay for the weekend to have a follow up procedure done that if i left the hospital would of taken up to a month to reschedual, and not getting it done could cause big problems.
Follow up procedure happened on monday, weren't any stones left really, kept me overnight.
Later that same night I had the worst pains in my abdomen ever. In the morning they ran tests and found that the procedure done on monday had caused pancreantitus, i was in horrible pain for three days and not allowed anything to eat or drink.
Pain went down enough for me to go home on friday.
I'm just glad it's over. :/