May 06, 2008 17:57
[17:48] matttherogue: so I'd been waiting to hear back from Jay about working with him over the summer, right?
[17:49] Andy Shoenig: yea?
[17:49] matttherogue: so I spoke to the overall boss about who else I should ask, because she knew what I was trying to do
[17:49] matttherogue: and she told me to speak with John Ellis
[17:49] matttherogue: i speak with him, turns out he's the person who both Jay and the Systems (administration) teams report to
[17:49] matttherogue: and so he says they've done it before, it shouldn't really be an issue
[17:49] matttherogue: and sets me up with a (4:30) meeting with the guy in charge of the systems team - where I want to be
[17:49] matttherogue: so i get there at 4:25, he's not there
[17:49] matttherogue: there was a meeting at 3, by the way
[17:50] matttherogue: I check every 5 minutes from 4:25 until 5:20
[17:50] matttherogue: at which point I see John (the overall boss who was also at the meeting) returning
[17:50] matttherogue: and I say "must have been along meeting"
[17:50] matttherogue: and he says yes, Steve (the guy I'm meeting with) is on his way up
[17:50] matttherogue: about 20 minutes later, he shows
[17:50] matttherogue: and we start talking
[17:50] matttherogue: mind you, I'm hungry, I've been waiting for about 65 minutes at this point
[17:50] matttherogue: so I meet him, he's nice enough
[17:50] matttherogue: and he says that he's not realyl sure where they'd be able to use me
[17:51] matttherogue: none of their projects divide well
[17:51] matttherogue: or could be dividied
[17:51] matttherogue: and while they do have one opening in their team, it's a higher level position
[17:51] matttherogue: and then, on top of that, he's not sure about some security issues
[17:51] matttherogue: so he said he'd speak to his team tomorrow nad get back to me by the end of the week
[17:51] matttherogue: but he did not sound optimistic
[17:51] matttherogue: and I really don't think that he's going to have anythign to offer me
[17:51] matttherogue: he told me the one time they did it in the past, for Wes, he was basically doing physical work unmounting the servers from the racks,
[17:52] matttherogue: and they don't even have anything like that to offer
[17:52] matttherogue: so I don't htink I have a job in atlanta
[17:52] matttherogue: and i'm fucking pissed at emory's IT dividsion
[17:52] matttherogue: because Jay has been putting me off for 2.5 fucking weeks
[17:52] matttherogue: and then, while it wasn't his fault, I waited over an hour to basically be shot down
[17:52] matttherogue: and I don't have anyone left to ask
[17:52] matttherogue: and I need a CS job this summer
[17:52] matttherogue: and I don't want to go home to charleston
[17:52] matttherogue: because the education service still has me, and they want me to redo their webpaeg,
[17:52] Andy Shoenig: yeah now ur a little stuck
[17:52] matttherogue: and i hate doing webpages,
[17:53] matttherogue: and I could stay at the cleanroom, but that's not enough to warrent staying here
[17:53] matttherogue: so I suggested to the CS teacher (who I despise, btw) about being his ta for the 3 cs classes he's offering
[17:53] matttherogue: ...
[17:53] matttherogue: i just don't fucking know any more
[17:53] matttherogue: and I hvae my cs final tomorrow
[17:53] matttherogue: tomorow night
[17:53] matttherogue: so I need to read / study it tonight
[17:53] matttherogue: and again tomorrow
[17:53] matttherogue: so I can't even drink my woes away
[17:53] matttherogue: last night, after dancing? I came home and went to bed
[17:53] matttherogue: I didn't even drink