you make me merry make me very very happy

Jan 29, 2009 02:34

I was speaking to a friend last night about my little event parties. She's never attended one, and now that she's working on her career in Singapore for the next few years, she can't come. I told her that i have one every season, and then i thought about it and realized that it's true:
  • (autumn) pre-Thanksgiving party: November 2008
  • (summer) Labor Day weekend brunch: August 2008
  • (spring) soirée on the deck: March 2008
  • (winter) dessert party: February 2008/NYE party: December 2007
Well, the winter party of 2009 (twenty-oh-nine) is this friday starting at 19:00. It's a small one this time around; not as impromptu as the pre-Thanksgiving party (based on the miserable funk i was in), which turned out quite sizable somehow, but i'm not making a big to-do about this one despite the housing funk i'm in. If you want to come, then come. Games, drinks, snacks-bring what you like as far as those things go.

Also, it seems like a majority of my parties are based around a funk of one type or another. At least i'm translating my sadness into good times for all.
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