So I typed out this whole ginormous entry but I think it can just be summed up as... I REALLY HATE PEOPLE THAT ARE PRO-LIFE AND/OR HOMOPHOBIC/AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE.
ugh. got into a heated discussion with someone who is pro-life AND homophobic. I just feel sick to my stomach thinking about people who hate gays.... or think abortion is wrong.. oy.
ok i
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I'm pro-life. This doesn't mean that I don't respect people's opinions, however, I don't think that abortion is a good choice unless there are severe circumstances (gray areas are: rape, incest. Ok area is: endangerment of mother's life).
What's wrong with abortion being wrong?
Plus, the world is overcrowded and humans are going to kill themselves by reproducing. So, I don't have a problem with women deciding to rid their bodies of a few cells and save the planet from becoming one giant clown car.
I also hate when people say that abortion is killing a baby. You can't kill something that has never lived.
I understand that the whole world doesn't have to think like I do, I'm just stating that Sarah said that she hates (of course, not in the extreme sense) pro-life people. Since I am a pro-life person, does that mean that Sarah hates me now [this is rhetorical as I know that the answer is no]?
oh and Jackie i totally agree with everything u said. :D
You have a 16-year-old who gets knocked up by her boyfriend because they were having unprotected sex and she didn't want to have the responsibility is ridiculuous. Why cause harm to the baby when the baby didn't do anything? I know this is going along guilt trip but c'mon!
So, this is what Jackie said:
Plus, most people that get abortions do not want to go through the physical nastiness that is pregnancy
don't want to have a baby
And thus...the baby's fault!
don't have the means to support a baby.
So, having the baby wouldn't make sense for the mother or the child because the mother would go through unecessary discomfort and the baby would ( ... )
So it really depends on when you perform the abortion on when you are or are not killing a fetus? Killing a fetus is not killing a bunch of cells anymore since a fetus has a heart and a brain and they are both work simotaneously in order to keep the fetus alive.
then you really shouldn't have scratched that itch a few minutes ago, and you REALLY shouldn't masturbate.
I laughed at that part. (however, the cells on my skin are already dead so it's okay to make that itch...masturbation on the other hand [despite the cells already being dead]...)
In addition, why does it always seem to be men that have a problem with abortions? Men don't understand what it's like to be female, what it's like to bleed and hurt every month, what it's like to be pregnant... To throw up every morning, to have something that's ( ... )
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