Pan-Fandom fic_adoption Com

Jun 05, 2008 17:27

We all like a completed fic. But sometimes, that pesky thing called Real Life gets in the way. So...switching fandoms? Leaving writing for greener pastures? Just damn tired of that one fic you can't seem to finish? Let us have it.

fic_adoption is a pan-fandom community that strives to find homes for orphaned fics. Our mission is:
To create a place where authors who, for whatever reason, are unable to finish their works can turn them over to capable individuals.
To encourage good will within the fanfic community.
To keep good ideas going.
To answer the question "Well HOW DOES IT END?!?"

If you're interested, check out fic_adoption. Spread the word, and adopt a fic today.

(Posted with devildoll's permission
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