Jul 06, 2012 17:39
I am getting married in exactly 84 days! There is so much to do, I keep finding myself getting so stressed out, but I just need to remember to close my eyes and let God take my hand, he will guide me through everything. I have no control over the outcome, he has already planned this all out! It feels so good to be on the right path that God laid out for me, I know in my heart I am marrying the man I was intended to spend eternity with.
It's strange to think back to the life I have lived for the last 10 years. So many ups and downs, more downs really. It sometimes feels as if I didn't live those lives, that the memories I hold couldn't possibly be mine. Some of them make me sad, others make me smile. Some of them I long to be able to live over and over again. But nothing beats the present day, moving forward into the life I was meant to live, sharing each and everyday with the best man in the world (and the best puppy too!). I say puppy even though she's 13 months old now, but she will always be my baby girl. Until I have real babies that is :)