Greetings, fellow Chthonians.
I know I promised to post again in the "near future" after my last post - well, as you should be aware by now, and as you should have expected, that was a blatant lie. Here is an incredibly brief update about me, before moving on to more pressing matters:
1. I have a mindless full-time job, which pays $16/hour, and during which I have been plumbing the forgotten depths of my iPod. Busy, but Excellent.
2. I have an electric guitar, namely a 2006 Fender Telecaster, worth some $800 - which I acquired for no money at all. Do not ask how. It is approximately as good as it sounds.
3. HAIR.
In reference to number 3, you may be wondering: "what ever does he mean!" Well, now is the moment at which I shall reveal this particular secret. By "hair," I mean to say, "HAIR." Insofar, at least, as Maddy has just had hers cut. Significantly. She'd be posting this herself, but frankly, she's inutterably lazy. Also her internet is down.
Whether you believe the former or the latter statement,
here are
pictures of
said hair,
which, if I may say so myself - and I may - is