What a Day this has been! I went to the blythe meet today and it was great fun. We got some cute group shots of the dolls, and walked around a lot! :) I had a great time and the views were great. I haven't been to Pike Place market in a while so that was cool too! It was good to see everyone again... I am really happy that I decided to put myself out there and meet people. It isn't something that I would have usually done, back a few years ago, trying to meet people, etc, but blythe is such a great bind between people. Anyway to all the blythe people on my F-list, and those who aren't, I'm very glad I've met you! And to the people we missed this time, I missed you! :( (I sound like this is my first meet, I just feel like it's over-due that I say this).
I uploaded some pictures:
The dollies!
The random guy who wanted to take pictures of our dolls! He seemed pretty nice. LOL, I wonder how many people took pictures of us with their cell phones, etc, while we were setting up our dolls!
And there are more here:
I had a couple "good" pictures that aren't uploaded yet, because my drunk-ass didn't upload the right pictures and didn't feel like going back and fixing them. :)
** In other news, today, while I was out, Eric and Vickie went for pancakes at Patty's Eggnest in Ballard. Then they went with Eric's boss, Don, and his daughter Anna (Vickie's age), to fly kites at the beach. Vickie had a lot of fun with her friend Anna. :)