Jul 13, 2005 12:27
Ok heres a mass post to all your Anonymous jerks who think you have a right to judge me and my life. I didn't ask for anyone's advice... I merely have my journal to post my thoughts and feelings. This was a comment I wrote to the last poster...so I'll post it on here so you out there who think you have any say in my life can see:
Ummm there is more which is why I go to work and school.... Unfortunately this is an online journal so people mostly write about their feelings... At the time I was mad that he IMed me claiming I wasn't over him and insulting me. I am over Josh because there is nothing to be hung up on the first place since what we had never existed. I do admit I was dumb for staying in it so long.... I didn't purport to be some wise sage. When you're in the situation, and someone is making you have no self-esteem and basically abusing you... you tend to stay in it. It happens everyday and I'm only human. We don't always make the best decisions, but thank you for you un-asked judgement. You obviously have never been in a similar situation, otherwise you would have understood. I can date if I want to since I am over it and someone just happened to come into my life that I care for. I'm being a lot more cautious this time and going slow unlike my ex who is practically married to a girl hes dated 2 weeks.... so whos the idiot? I'm trying my best to get my life together and I dont apprecaite assholes like you judging me and giving me their stupid opinions.... but thanks for trying. If I gave a shit, you'd be the first person i give it to. Thak you and have a nice life asshole.
In case I need to clarify one more time.... If you have never been in a situation like the one I was in.... You have no clue how it is and I have no use for your stupidity. If you have, then maybe you can comment, but be constructice, not destructive. You don't think I've been through enough pain that i need your stupid comments??? I don't think so. Its hard enough trying to get over something so fast wihtout other peoples' negativity. It takes people usually months or a year to get over something so traumatic.... so sorry If maybe I'm still a little hurt sheesh. We can't all be heartless bastards I guess. Considering the facts, I've done quite well. Every once in a while it hurts a bit, but I know in my heart its better I'm out, what I believed in didn't exist, and my life will be better because of me not being in said situation. Oh, and BTW..... ITS A FUCKING JOURNAL AND I CAN WRITE WHATEVER I DAMNED WELL PLEASE!!!!! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT THEN DONT READ IT AND FUCK OFF! Thanks and have a nice day.