Holiday Business

Dec 13, 2005 15:02

My cards are beginning to reach their destinations and I am receiving positive feedback. My nefarious holiday doings are working ::insert evil laugh - mwahahahahaha!::

I pulled this little red stuffed toy out from under the bed over the weekend and Stymie has just been going nuts with it. Every time we let her out of her crate she runs right to it and grabs it and runs around the house with it in her little mouth. She rarely lets go of it unless she is eating or we are going outside. It's really hilarious and makes her little mush look all wrinkley with the toy in there. Nemo tried to steal it from her yesterday but I was calling her name and unwittingly interrupted her so Stymie got it back. Hey, I'm a happy doggy mommy if my baby can be kept happy with a $1 toy from Old Navy.

I am a little worried about Nemo though. We haven't taken the girls to the dog park or anything in a long while and Nemo has been freaking out barking and straining when we see other dogs on the street. She used to be pretty friendly but recently when she seems calm and we let her near another dog she just lunges at it. I finally found a kennel that had room for them to be boarded over the Christmas weekend and I absolutely need them to be able to go there because I don't know what we'll do if they can't be kennelled. Maybe we'll take them to the dog park this weekend and squeeze in some socialization. I have the feeling though that if I were to take them to the kennel to meet other dogs that Nemo would be so freaked out that she'd calm right down. When we did that with the old kennel they both did fabulously and were such good little friends and playmates. Crazy doggies! Why do you have to be crazy??

I am getting my hair cut tonight and I am really excited. It will be nothing drastic, just a trim up on the top to give it some lift and to get my bangs out of my face, I can't stand it when my hair is in my face. I don't like how my stylist cut the back really short last time so I am letting him know in clear terms that he is not to cut it, I am growing the back out to exactly how it was this fall, nice and long down to my shoulders. I'll post some pictures if it turns out good.
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