gay gay more gay writing

Jun 04, 2004 10:52

ashland is weird.

danny and i were driving around town, and i noticed that every, EVERY FUCKING PORCH WAS CLEAN. i mean, CLEEEAAANNNN.

i get the feeling that ashlanders are trying to acheive perfection. with their goddamn yoga and stupid meditation and organic food... i mean, they are concentrating on this so much, that anything "below it" would be stared at, poked at, made fun of.
they just think they're better.

i mean, i do all this shit. i dig all this shit. im very into it. i think its essentional to human life. but i dont get so wrapped up into it, that anybody else who doesnt do it, is just wrong or stupid. that would be me stupid.

hey ashland. fucking chill.

or im just getting pissed that i have no friends. they're stupid. I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRASDKFJOAISDUFADKSJF'LKADJF'
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