FIC: The different shades of Blue

Apr 19, 2015 14:15

Title: The Different Shades of Blue
Sub title: Cyan
Rating: PG
Feedback: I would love some. This is my first one.
Disclaimer: The only thing in here that I own is Kacie. I do not own the others in this, I just play with them hehe.

Elwood sighed as he leaned his head on the shower wall. He looked down at the drain as the hot water ran over his head and down his back. He shut his eyes as his mind raced with thoughts. This was the second night he had stayed with Kacie instead of with his brother. A sigh ran from his lips. He enjoyed it but he could feel something deep down that he had never paid attention to before. Slowly he looked up at the shower head and let the water smack his face. With a smile over his lips he pushed the thoughts from him and began to sing a song to himself.
Kacie was in the kitchen making some breakfast. She would leave to open up the bar but then she told herself that she was going to stay home for the rest of the day. Her mood was just not in the right place for work right now. Her attention was soon turned towards the bathroom where she heard some singing. A smile came over her lips as she listened while cooking. She turned her head back down to her waffles that she was making for herself. She had some bread in the toaster for him. She heard the water turn off and a slight blush crossed her face as she couldn't help but think about him in the shower.
Elwood stepped out of the shower and wandered back into the bedroom to get himself dressed. Kacie was nice enough to wash his suit for him. He smiled as he thought of how nice she was as he got dressed. He placed his hat on his head and stepped out of the bedroom to only see her in the kitchen. He slowly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. They had been getting pretty close as of late and she didn't seem to be bothered by him holding her. He lowered his head and placed a kiss on her cheek as he whispered into her ear, "Is breakfast almost finished?"
She turned her head to the side and smiled as she returned a kiss, "Yes, it is almost done." Just as she said that, his toast dinged. She grabbed a plate and popped the toast on the plate as she gave it to him, "Well that was good timing," she gave a small giggle while she made her own plate and moved herself over to the table.
They ate breakfast in silence but were happy with each others company. Once she was finished, she stood up and took both plates. He stood up and sighed, "I better get back to see my brother and do some things that we need to do." Kacie frowned some but she understood, "Alright. let me know when you get back ok?"
He gave a nod of his head before he left and shut the door behind him. He sighed as he turned to look back at her door, but he knew he would remember her number. Slowly he turned to make the walk back to his apartment and to his brother. The streets outside were busy as usual, but there was a quietness that chilled him to the bone. He coughed to distract from the feeling that something just wasn't right.
He made his way up the steps to his place. He reached the floor and looked down the hallway. He noticed that his door was open. Maybe Jake forgot to close it when he left. He was probably at the store getting more smokes or some drinks. He stepped inside his apartment and his mouth dropped to the floor. His place was a complete mess, and then he saw the note. He grabbed the note and began to read it. The note was from the two men from the other night, and they had Jake, and they wanted to see him and they also wanted Kacie to come with him. Elwood suddenly had a feeling that Kacie knew more than she was telling him, and he wanted to know the whole story. He placed the note inside his jacket and made his way back to her place once more to get this all figured out.


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