Jury Duty

Jul 26, 2005 10:11

I never got around to writing about it

a few weeks ago i got summoned for jury duty, and selected!
i was nervous because the only reference i had to jury duty was from that pauly shore movie...

it was about two weeks of driving downtown, paying for parking and sitting in a small windowless room

the case? five years ago a police officer (in uniform) was in his patrol car stopped at a traffic light on niagara falls blvd. when a 17 year old boy (named Michael!) rear ended him causing minor scrapes to the bumper of the patrol car.

Negligence had already been determined, so we didnt have to worry about that.

The officer was suing the kid and his family for almost 4 million dollars because of 'neck and back trauma.'
he had to quit the police force because of all the pain etc.
He wanted pay compensation for every year he would have worked till retiring as well as what his pension would have paid him every year until his presumed death at age 76. Lets not forget pain and suffering compensation as well.

the problem was there was no way to prove that any of him problems were caused from the accident and not just simply part of the aging process. He had a history of degenerative disks in his lower back and his entire family (brothers, sisters etc.) all have degenerative disks in their necks and backs as well.

so it was bull, and i dont know how it got to court in the first place.
i was glad to do my part.

damn the man.
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