Dec 23, 2003 17:09
today was a sad day
kyle and i moved out of our apartment
now for the weird 4 months living apart until we're allowed to live together again
one thing that rules though is that i got my security deposit back, so $200 in last minute christmas shopping will be mine!
tim called last night
and i meant to call him back but i wasnt sure what time it was in the hippie state
and i get no reception at all at my mom's house
so maybe he'll read this and not think that i'm a terrible person
tim inge, if you do read this, i'm going to mail you a christmas present soonly
get off my back
since our vacuum was not working
kyle came up with a game last night while we were cleaning
'hey andrea, do you want to play a game??'
'ok! its called 'monkey''
'what do i do'
'come here, see the big brown shag carpet in my room? we're going to pretend that its a giant monkey, and we have to please the giant monkey by removing all the bugs and lice from it.'
'get to work'