Dec 16, 2003 08:52
when shopping at jubilee i rummaged in the markdown carts and came up with two bags of lentils
the word 'lentils' rang in my mind
i had seen it before....somewhere
soup? stew? i wasnt sure
but they looked like they would be good in a stew, all multi-colored and pretty like
and at .40 a package, who would be complaining?
i took them home and dumped them along with 6 cups of water and the remains of frozen thanksgiving turkey into my slow cooker and turned it on low
16 hours later i checked it
everything smelled done
'hot damn!' i said to my self 'lentils, here i come!'
i picked at the turkey, and then spooned myself up some lentils
and had my first mouthful
how can it be described other than 'blech'
they had turned into a thick thick paste
lacking in variant color and any flavor whatsoever
being optomistic, i figured i could use them in something else... in a lesser quantity
so i got out a tupperware container and tried to cram them in
then i got out a second and tried to fit them in
then a third was necessary
somehow two bags of lentils transformed into 15 pounds of brown mushy paste (resembling dried shit)
i let them sit in the refrigerator for awhile
but everytime i opened it to get a drink i felt depressed looking at that mass of excrement like food
a few hours later my garbage can was a few pounds heavier
so long lentils
*most exciting livejournal entry to date!*