Weird weird weird.

Nov 13, 2005 02:51

I'm in such a weird mood, I'm not tired cos I slept in til 2:30 this afternoon cos I haven't slept properly all week. I'm not drunk for a change, I've had a drink tho, and I've taken some codeine tablets cos my head hurts quite a lot, pressure headache.
I feel like I've wasted the day and that I ought to have done something with it. I think I may go for a drive or something. I'm really confused and dazed almost, I feel as tho I'm recovering from shock, I just don't know what the shock is! Lol! That sounds weird.
I need something to do, I need to get out more. I spend far too much of my time at this computer doing nothing in particular. Hmmmm... I don't know why I started this post, I suppose just for something to do.
I know what I'll do, I'll vent whats been going on recently. In a list. Random order as they come into my head.

-My uncle was rushed into hospital with appendicitis.
-Mum and Dad are still squabbling over Tom.
-Dad just bought my Grandparents a new car, Thank God, no more moaning.
-Its just over a year since Chris tried to kill himself.
-I think I might be suffering from a mild form of depression, maybe Seasonally Affective Disorder.
-I have no feeling in my right foot at the moment, bizarre.
-I was invited to a houseparty this evening, but declined for no reason. I still don't even know why.
-I miss human affection, a kiss or something familiar.
-I miss home and I never thought I would.
-I miss the dogs even more.
-I love reading other peoples weblogs, I find other peoples lives interesting, perhaps even compelling, but not on a par to living the experience with them.
-I'm done.

random rambling

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