Oct 08, 2007 01:42
I hate to bitch, but lately I'm discontented with everyone around me.
I feel like everyone I have met in the last year are just... temp friends.
Me finding people to fill the gaps until I move away.
For me to truely connect with someone is rare.
I don't really click with people often, but when I do it is an instant thing.
The sad thing is, of all those people I usually grow tired of them, or we grow apart.
This past week, I'm just feeling so discontent with everyone in my life.
No one has the same goals as me.
Few have the same opinions as I do.
Delta is annoying me.
Tonight I was bored hanging out with a good friend.
I'm feeling distant from the guy who last week I was estatic to be dating.
I'm even annoyed by my best friend.
What. the. hell.
Something's not right.
I'm not satisfied.
I need something new.
A change of scenery.
New people.
New locations.
New events.
Something has to change.
I need a refresh.
I'm downloading hella new music tonight.
Even my iPod couldn't satisfy my music desires.
I want more.
I always want more.
I need to find something to satisfy me.
Save me.