A tweet a day keeps... the dragorgons away?

Dec 31, 2008 00:30

To celebrate the end of the year-ness going on right now, I thought I'd post all of my tweets from Twitter in one ginormous post as a reflection of the randomness that has crossed my brain in the last 366 days (yes that number is right).

I tweet more than is healthy for my already random mind, so I figured I'd compile a list of all of them.
The awesome, the bad, and the fucking retarded.
Cause that's how I roll.

I know, it's kind of a lot.  But each has it's own story behind it, so they make a lot more sense & are a lot more entertaining if you know those stories lol.

if you make it all the way through this, you're freaking awesome and earn many brownie points.
(what I consider) the more humorous/memorable/important ones are in bold for your skimming pleasure.


Celebrating in Tahoe for the New Year. Have a good one =] 7:46 PM Dec 31st, 2007 from txt

The other night we found an abandoned parking lot covered with a thin layer of snow. I have now experienced drifting, and it was amazing. 2:16 PM Jan 1st from txt

On wednesdays I go shopping, and have buttered scones for tea. 5:27 PM Jan 1st from txt

California State Chico.. What better place to drive to on a Tuesday night? 7:59 PM Jan 1st from txt

Heading to disneyland early next week. One last trip before they revamp california adventure. 9:35 AM Jan 4th from txt

No day is wasted if you bought tickets for disneyland on that day. 4:23 PM Jan 4th from txt

Im going to Disneyland today!! XD 6:31 AM Jan 7th from txt

They were playing daisy on the speakers on main street =] 4:20 PM Jan 7th from txt

Fell in love with Santa Barbara this afternoon, now im watching the sun set in Pismo. && the night is still young. 5:39 PM Jan 10th from txt

I just got out of juno. Holy crap. That was amazing. 11:16 PM Jan 11th from txt

Sick as a dog the day before classes start.. so the boyfriend offers to drive me to the doctor then to the campus bookstore. Too sweet. 1:05 PM Jan 14th from txt

"I'm sick. You are my sister. Do me this favor and kill me" "I can't. Mom and Dad would ground me." 5:09 PM Jan 16th from txt

I have decided I want to learn to speak the language Esperanto fluently. 9:06 AM Jan 17th from txt

When I am very sleep deprived, I can sense this sweet scent everywhere. Its been a very long time, indeed. 6:28 PM Jan 17th from txt

I'm bored.. so i'm baking a cake. All the cool kids are doing it. 8:15 PM Jan 20th from txt

In SF eating my first Crèpe. At Haight-Ashburry. Museums next? 4:38 PM Jan 26th from txt

I used to think that I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure. 11:07 PM Jan 26th from txt


"I'm not addicted to painkillers, I just like the taste of vikodin." -Stephen Colbert 8:44 AM Feb 5th from txt

"But now its time to go home." "For porn!" -Avenue Q 3:13 PM Feb 10th from txt

"When the power of love is greater than the love for power, the world will know peace." 11:01 AM Feb 12th from txt

Wearing shorts and a t-shirt while driving with the windows down. In February. I love California =] 2:52 PM Feb 15th from txt

Midterm in two minutes and locked out of class. In the rain. Bleh. So much for sunny california. 10:59 AM Feb 21st from txt

"and if your irish boy leaves you, you're allowed to shoot him in the knees." -legally blonde, the musical 4:43 PM Feb 23rd from txt

Laughing at korey daniel being the gangster he is at the modesto hookah bar. Hells yeah lol <3 8:17 PM Feb 23rd from txt

Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. That doesn't make running any less boring. On that note, off to the gym! 2:57 PM Feb 25th from txt

If things were simple, life wouldn't be so entertaining. 8:17 AM Feb 26th from txt

Early morning class was cancelled so I tried a different cafe for coffee. Now I feel sick.. Ugh. 11:54 AM Feb 28th from txt

Super long workout tonight. I totally have the post-running munchies lol. 9:30 PM Feb 28th from txt


Last night I drank coffee at a concert, tried to make neon dry ice bombs, went drifting, made a porsche fly, and watched the sun come up. 8:28 PM Mar 1st from txt

I just heard a sixth grader singhing "apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur..." lmao 11:47 AM Mar 4th from txt

In every circle of friends theres a whore. You were a sellout but you couldnt even do that well. If you lie you dont deserve to have friends 5:31 PM Mar 4th from txt

Freaking chemical imbalance LOL. totally made my morning though =] 8:57 AM Mar 6th from txt

Happy birthday korey! 1:31 AM Mar 8th from txt

http://millionnumbers.com/n... 11:39 AM Mar 9th from web

Biscuits and gravy... mmm baby. 12:14 PM Mar 9th from txt

Researching my tattoo online.. Three years of pondering and I finally think im going to get it done! 9:58 PM Mar 11th from txt

My Sociology Professor actually brought me books to borrow he thought I would find interesting. How awesome is that? 9:25 AM Mar 13th from txt

Getting home at five am? Interesting night.. lol 5:03 AM Mar 16th from txt

Inside the General Mills plant parking lot.. Kinda weird seeing the buildings up close haha. Betty Crocker?!? lmao. 2:53 PM Mar 16th from txt

My good friend just got engaged. She asked me to dinner last night to tell me. I was seriously floored, but am extremely excited for her. 2:57 PM Mar 19th from txt

"all i saw was vagina" -korey daniel 5:01 PM Mar 22nd from txt

Lent is over.. Im having In-n-out! 7:10 PM Mar 24th from txt

Sometimes when I hear a song on the radio I think to myself "red green red blue yellow". damn guitar hero! 10:37 AM Mar 25th from txt

@jdhenry is a silly bitch. Fyi- my cell comes knowing how to spell bastard. Bitch and douche have to be added in, but bastard it knows. 9:12 PM Mar 26th from txt in reply to jdhenry

For someone who hates public transportation, I love being on BART. I have particulary interesting people to watch today =] 11:04 AM Mar 29th from txt

On my way home from Berkeley. I sure do love this city. 5:58 PM Mar 29th from txt

@brianshaler fascinates me. definitely check out his twitter & website. (great distraction at two in the morning, or any time) 2:15 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to brianshaler

Yesterday some kid rode his bicycle straight into my car. Heh. 8:12 PM Mar 31st from txt


I am eating at THE original A&W. Plus this root beer is a total foodgasm in my mouth. 5:32 PM Apr 1st from txt

"Its like eating gold and diamonds.. But better because its cheese!" -something on tv as I was flipping channels 9:24 PM Apr 3rd from txt

@jdhenry you're right, you would make a freakin' sweet girl! lmao 2:26 AM Apr 5th from web in reply to jdhenry

Correction: A man in a banana suit never fails to make my morning an interesting one. 11:36 AM Apr 8th from txt

For a cell phone market that isn't terribly impressive, I like my new BlackJack II. Definitely going to play with this all day haha. 6:17 PM Apr 8th from web

@mathematics- congrats on the startup! 11:48 PM Apr 8th from web in reply to mathematics

I love java in the mornings. Such a different atmosphere than the evening crowd. 10:02 AM Apr 10th from txt

"CHEESEPAPER!! Mmm.." -Korey Daniel 10:39 PM Apr 10th from txt

"At a dinner party, a trace of scandal never does any harm." -Reinaldo Herrera 6:03 PM Apr 12th from txt

"I was always curious and wanted to know things so they told me that curiosity killed the cat. After that I didn't want to be a cat." -Korey 1:34 PM Apr 14th from txt

Went to change a cd and totally hit my head on the trunk. I already feel a lump forming.. perfect. 7:25 AM Apr 15th from txt

This cute boy's car parked next to mine and a glass chalk marker in my glove box. If only I had the balls lol. 9:46 AM Apr 15th from txt

Lizzie and the terrible horrible no good very bad day. 3:29 PM Apr 15th from txt

Doing my civic duty tomorrow at the courthouse. Let's hope this year I get out of Jury Duty early! 10:43 PM Apr 16th from web

Ah the things you learn about old friends ;-) hahaha 11:50 PM Apr 18th from txt

Yay @SinCal for getting your new place in Chico. Just make sure to invite me to the house warming party! lol 5:54 PM Apr 19th from txt

Got lost looking for Ikea and ended up in Davis. Hi Robyn! 5:11 PM Apr 20th from txt

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss 12:12 AM Apr 21st from web

Sanapanoma! 4:40 PM Apr 26th from txt

I love it when you think of some obscure song, and then hear it on the radio a few minutes later <3 9:17 AM Apr 28th from web


Just got my "Love is the Movement" t-shirt from this awesome organization called To Write Love on Her Arms. check them out! www.twloha.com 1:51 PM May 1st from web

Eating at the sierra nevada brewery at chico. 3:18 PM May 2nd from txt

Correction: Midnight presentation of a play with a fraternity? Sweet!! hahaha. 11:28 PM May 2nd from txt

Just got home. Hella crazy night <3 7:12 AM May 4th from txt

That's repetitive and redundant. That's repetitive and redundant. 8:52 AM May 6th from txt

Was pulled over last night for my first time. Baby's first (fix-it) ticket. Santa Cruz has cute cops! haha 2:21 PM May 7th from web

Finals end a week earlier than I thought, which means no school the week of my birthday =] 7:38 PM May 7th from txt

suoicodiliaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus! 11:40 PM May 7th from web

"I totally do the shocker when I type" -Korey 7:57 PM May 10th from txt

I'm so happy I could bounce! -Tigger 2:36 PM May 12th from txt

As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen. -Winnie the Pooh 11:02 PM May 12th from txt

"I assert that ladies can still be classy while naked" - @jdhenry 12:04 AM May 13th from web

I just chewed out a telemarketer for being deceitful. That was fun!! =] 11:45 AM May 14th from txt

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people. People who can sing and dance- often at the same time." -Spamalot 7:17 PM May 16th from txt

Found the third tarantula in my house in two weeks. They may only be the size of a nickel, but it's still scary as all hell! 7:24 PM May 19th from web

Twloha shirt spotting! <3 11:05 AM May 20th from txt

"FUCK! BOB SAGET!!!!" -Korey Daniel 3:46 PM May 22nd from txt

Working with my Rosalynn at a 'Blow' energy powder event tonight in Sacramento as sexy hookah girls ;-) haha. 1:33 PM May 24th from txt

Within 20 hours of my 21st birthday.. And riding with my last dd before im legal. Aww! 3:33 AM May 26th from txt

happy 21st birthday to meeee =] 10:31 AM May 27th from web

Ribs and pesto.. Mmm baby! 7:29 PM May 29th from txt

"Being evil is a necessity. It adds such enjoyment to your life." -Robyn 3:38 PM May 31st from web


Damn it feels good to feel this way <3 4:51 PM Jun 3rd from txt

Got my ticket signed, tire changed, and ran all my errands... What a productive day. Now it's time for something deliciously random. 5:16 PM Jun 5th from txt

I finally found a package that lets me do picture messaging on my blackjack without paying for full internet.. YES!! 7:22 PM Jun 6th from web

Little sister just left for the hospital. She's been really sick, and it's just getting worse.. poor baby. Current mood: worried. 2:57 AM Jun 7th from web

"I hate when I'm drunk cause I can't be sober about it" -Luis 12:18 AM Jun 8th from txt

At a San Francisco Giant's game. I'm spending more time in the club level area than in my seats haha. 8:51 PM Jun 13th from txt

Sprinklers turned on in the middle of the nineth inning! Plus I walked past a man dressed as Elvis with a "I miss Barry" sign. I love SF. 1:25 AM Jun 14th from web

At a burlesque show with live jazz music in SF. Happy birthday Vanilla =] 10:15 PM Jun 14th from txt

"Yeah you would think that but that's what usually happens when you're coming off a 3 month crack binge lol" -Korey Daniel 10:14 PM Jun 21st from txt

Long day at the beach with my favorite people. It was Legen-(wait for it)-dary. 2:27 AM Jun 25th from txt

"Smoking will kill you. Drugs will ruin your life. But beer, it's magically delicious!" -Jon Stewart 2:27 AM Jun 27th from web

Telling myself that it's only been four days isn't helping. 3:48 AM Jun 28th from txt

"He is kind of good looking. In a weird tan, tall, dark and handsome kind of way." - @sorcky 11:26 PM Jun 29th from web


Whenever I think things are bad, I'll think of today and know they could be a hell of a lot worse lmao. 7:50 PM Jul 1st from txt

I just downed a BFC. Omfg! XD 9:23 PM Jul 2nd from txt

"Ever since I was a young boy, I've played the silver ball." 11:50 AM Jul 7th from web

I hate this poor air quality in California. Those fires are making it a summer to spend indoors. Ugh. 1:38 PM Jul 9th from txt

Lmao. Recieving drunk calls is always amusing. 1:04 AM Jul 12th from txt

"Den löffel abgeben." "Liz.. I hate you." 3:48 PM Jul 13th from txt

"care to make it interesting?" "are you asking me to take my top off?" 12:05 AM Jul 14th from txt

"Souer. Is french. I hecka want to be a mermaid." -katherine 8:23 PM Jul 16th from web

"that reminds me of this show with a woman who put her hand up a lamb, and it sung." "that sounds like a scottish show." 1:02 AM Jul 19th from txt

James McAvoy - "Are you saying that no women with balls fancy me?" Jon Stewart - "This is New York. Over 30% of our women have balls." 8:26 PM Jul 21st from txt

I had two heart attacks, an abortion, did crack... While I was pregnant. Other than that, i'm fine. 4:09 AM Jul 24th from txt

Going to SF tomorrow.. Oh yeah <3 2:56 PM Jul 25th from web

"Love wasn't ever made to make any sense at all." -Unknown 12:09 AM Jul 26th from web

Cute is What We Aim For & Ace Enders concert tonight. Just got tickets.. yeeeah. Totally saw the band outside the venue too haha. 4:15 PM Jul 27th from web


Nancy is getting married today!! I'm so excited. I can't wait to see the beautiful bride in two hours =] 4:06 PM Aug 2nd from web

Olhado: "You killed more people than anyone in history" Ender: "Be the best at whatever you do, thats what my mother always told me." 2:52 PM Aug 9th from txt

Day 9 of 14 in Humboldt. It is GORGEOUS up here, there are trees everywhere. We are (quite literally) staying in a house on a mountain. 2:48 PM Aug 11th from web

Having lunch in redwood park. I cant smell the nature over the hippies smoking pot. Hah. 3:50 PM Aug 11th from txt

Got back into town to find a message from Walker. He deployed yesterday. Be safe. I miss you. 8:53 PM Aug 16th from web

I went to the shop to pick up my car, and it broke on the way home. My poor Volvo.. 2:40 PM Aug 18th from txt

"I briefly considered mutiny." -BD 12:01 AM Aug 20th from txt

I'm such an effing guy. Telling my guy friends what to do since they have NO BALLS. hahaha. 10:27 AM Aug 26th from web

Last minute change of plans, and i'm on my way to Berkeley to see Livingston Taylor perform in a coffee house. 5:19 PM Aug 26th from txt

I just overheard someone say "I have to update my Twitter". 9:10 PM Aug 26th from txt


I know what guilt is. It's one of those touchy feely words that doesn't mean anything, like "maternal" or "addiction". -Karen Walker 5:40 PM Sep 5th from web

One week to lower my cholesterol? yikes!! Bring out the Cheerios! 1:55 PM Sep 9th from web

Twittering always makes me think of twit, which makes me think of twat. Which makes me laugh. heh. 2:45 PM Sep 11th from web

Walker is seriously messing with my sleep schedule haha. But it was so nice to hear his voice..ah. Be safe, we miss you. 4:44 AM Sep 12th from txt

I have been challenged to do ten videos in ten days.. we will see if I can make it.. Send me suggestions! www.livevideo.com/lalalizzie 5:13 PM Sep 13th from web

I'm doing a day in my life vid for lvo2 today. I wonder what people will think of me.. haha. 4:37 PM Sep 15th from txt

Drinking with beefcake. Be jealous korey! Haha. 12:12 AM Sep 17th from txt

Liking the new hair now that I figured out how to make myself look like the Urban Outfitters models. Awkward is hot. 7:25 PM Sep 19th from web

At the 49ers game. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon =] 3:01 PM Sep 21st from txt

I just found the perfect job.. Omg. Applying after lunch, wish me luck! 12:45 PM Sep 25th from txt

I'm all dressed up & decided I don't want to go to the bar anymore. Let me know if you can think of a more interesting thing for me to do =] 10:08 PM Sep 26th from web

@sincal omg are you okay? Was anything taken? 2:27 PM Sep 28th from txt in reply to SinCal

I got an interview at Planet Beach! 10:16 PM Sep 30th from txt


"Elizabeth you look so beautiful, and I love your dress. You look like a pinup girl!" -Tammy. Second best compliment of my LIFE. Haha. 2:47 PM Oct 2nd from txt

Car died at school. Anyone in town want to come save/entertain me? Haha. 5:37 PM Oct 6th from txt

I think I could warm up to the idea of camping.. Haha. 10:42 AM Oct 11th from txt

@sincal i'm passing Rinaldi's. We should get lunch next time you're in town =] 2:58 PM Oct 15th from txt in reply to SinCal

Coffee with Allyson this morning. Now im scrambling to throw together a halloween costume for tomorrow night.. aahhh. 1:12 PM Oct 17th from txt

I just made my first 911 call. Found a crashed car on the side of the road, apparently there is an injured man inside. Yikes.. 12:52 AM Oct 18th from txt

This has been the most random week I have had in a very very long time. Autumn makes me so crazy lol. 5:52 PM Oct 19th from web

Am I really so predictable that the majority of the time when I get coffee, I'm almost always at Java, and usually meeting Luis? haha. 7:00 PM Oct 20th from txt

I hate you @sincal 7:02 PM Oct 20th from txt

If there's something strange in the neighborhood, something weird and it don't look good, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters! 2:31 PM Oct 21st from txt

Just finished my day filling in at my old work. I had forgotten how much I loved it there. 5:05 PM Oct 25th from txt

Just had my first fender bender lol. 4:48 PM Oct 26th from txt

Chaperoning a middle school field trip to Delta right now. Interesting expierence lol. 11:17 AM Oct 31st from txt

Korey Daniel: We decided to go home. Me: That's cause you're a fag. Choke on a chode. Korey Daniel: Ha ha ha i'll see what i can do LOL 4:08 PM Oct 31st from txt

On the way to sf for halloween clubbing <3 7:18 PM Oct 31st from txt


Just got home from the best Halloween ever in SF, ran off to Berkeley, lazy day in Santa Cruz, and over-all epic weekend. 2:16 AM Nov 3rd from web

Everyone - I am going to send Popierre the Gnome on a grand adventure! Let me know if you are willing to help out http://tinyurl.com/5qn6dq 3:25 PM Nov 4th from web

Watching the Stewart/Colbert coverage of the election. This is going to be an interesting night. 7:05 PM Nov 4th from web

Pretty cool night overall. Still waiting on the final numbers for all of the California propositions. 9:35 PM Nov 4th from web

@brianshaler - it looks like California is about to do the same. Let's hope the rest of the votes coming in fix that.. No on 8 Everyone! 10:17 PM Nov 4th from web in reply to brianshaler

@skubastevee - you stole the twitter I was going to use today! haha. But to the rest of you- "Remember, remember, the 5th of November". 11:04 AM Nov 5th from web in reply to skubastevee

Looks like E is running off to the beach with J. Do we smell mischief in the air? You know you love me.. 9:50 AM Nov 9th from txt

Went to Ruby Skye in SF to see Crystal Method last night. Now we're off to go shopping in Union Square. 11:04 AM Nov 16th from txt

Come on girls- I get the fandom but quit posting you "want a guy who sparkles". In reality, most guys that "sparkle" aren't that into girls. 2:07 PM Nov 20th from txt

Edward Cullen can drift a Volvo. 2:49 AM Nov 21st from txt

Going to see David Guetta at Ruby Skye in SF. Should be pretty awesome haha. 7:57 PM Nov 21st from txt

@sincal - try not to kill yourself on the drive home, I really want a Rinaldi's sandwich lol 4:06 PM Nov 25th from txt in reply to SinCal

Happy Pilgrim holiday everyone! Who else celebrated with grilled cheese? (or even gets the reference..) 11:19 PM Nov 27th from txt


Curling up with my favorite penguin and some warm tea to watch "Breakfast at Tiffany's" before bed. This is the life<3 11:52 PM Dec 1st from txt

@umyumluis, welcome to twitter! I'm glad I finally dragged you on here haha. 12:04 AM Dec 2nd from web

@umyumluis, coffee is my drug. I have an addiction, and I'm okay with that =] 3:42 PM Dec 2nd from txt in reply to umyumluis

@sincal - does copperopolis make you think of a fish? Or a fictional comic book town? 9:30 PM Dec 6th from txt in reply to SinCal

Meeting @umyumluis for coffee. Love that he finally has a twitter so he will see this haha. 10:03 PM Dec 7th from txt

@brianshaler - You did a ShalerJump at Candlestick park? You are officially one of my heroes, even if you were wearing a Jets jersey =] 10:26 AM Dec 8th from web in reply to brianshaler

@sincal, Oh geeze.. What did you do now lol? 11:15 PM Dec 11th from txt in reply to SinCal

I saw four shooting stars tonight! I should have wished on them, they could have brought me some luck. 11:10 PM Dec 13th from txt

I just saw another shooting star! What a crazy night.. 2:16 AM Dec 14th from txt

Getting coffee with @umyumluis. This is turning out to be a lovely day :) 5:02 PM Dec 16th from txt

After ordering, the bartender said, "I've never seen a pretty little thing like you order a Guiness before". It's cause i'm awesome. Haha. 8:37 PM Dec 16th from txt

Ah, mother's milk. Oh, my Guiness haha. 2:47 AM Dec 17th from txt

Heading to the club to see Tiesto tonight. So freaking excited. 9:33 PM Dec 18th from txt

http://twitpic.com/v4wt - Ted, your Barney misses you guys. 5:49 PM Dec 21st from TwitPic

@sincal - enjoy sac, and try to be in a better mood! 12:03 AM Dec 22nd from txt in reply to SinCal

Heading to San Francisco to see Sorcky & Korey. I do love Union Square at Christmas time =] 12:21 PM Dec 22nd from web

I have officially out drank a man who goes by the nickname 'Beefcake'. I'm a sav, what can I say? Time to sleep. Asdkdhalja. 4:19 PM Dec 23rd from txt

I do love riding on BART lol. 4:20 PM Dec 23rd from txt

Just left Sorcky & Korey, and on my way back to the valley. 8:56 PM Dec 23rd from txt

Merry Christmas =] 12:25 PM Dec 25th from txt

@wethedan - say it ain't so! Awesome to hear that you know who The Watchmen are though, major brownie points for that. 7:34 PM Dec 26th from web in reply to wethedan

Listening to Shwayze while heading to Sacramento for a day of shopping with the sister. This is going to be a beautiful day. 12:04 PM yesterday from txt

Well, last year's New Year's resolution finally came true tonight. Just in time too! haha. I hit someone in the face :-P 11:15 PM Dec 28th from txt

FINALLY had a Rinaldi's sandwich today. I've been waiting nine months for that sandwich @sincal!! less than 20 seconds ago from web

Well, there you go.  A year of always odd, sometimes entertaining, and occasionally dumb tweets.  Like I said above, major points if you made it through all of those.

Now I'm off to pack a few last minute things before heading to Santa Cruz for five days to celebrate the New Year.  Have a good one everyone  =]

monty python, beefcake, gilmore girls, katherine, san francisco, 911, nancy, chico, bob saget, a&w, bart, california, humboldt, john henry, karen walker, santa barbara, david guetta, ticket, juno, quotes, twitter, giants, jury duty, 2008, popierre, rinaldi's, twilight, berkeley, cute is what we aim for, lv, watchmen, tattoo, drifting, halloween, will & grace, twloha, hookah, pismo, lvo, waterloo, tahoe, new year, lyrics, thanksgiving, sincal, avenue q, sorcky, santa cruz, colbert, french, disneyland, shwayze, jon stewart, coffee, gossip girl, ace enders, ruby skye, barney, allyson, amelie, drinking, tweet, crystal method, legally blonde, volvo, tarantula, election, 49ers, candlestick park, luis, tiesto, livingston taylor, christmas, korey daniel, birthday, brian shaler, german, mermaid, gnome, how i met your mother, walker, guetta, wedding, rosalynn, guiness, robyn

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