(no subject)

Feb 25, 2008 00:13

as a few of you know, i've been a bit hermit-y as of late.  personal problems have been adding up, and I just fell apart last night.  The anxiety attacks have been coming back  :/   i'm feeling better and trying to work on things now.

Over the last week I have cleaned my room.  I know, this sounds silly as I have lived at home for amost a year now, but my whole room was in boxes.  And to put this into even better perspective:  I still have every posession I have ever owned.  That's right, boxes of elementary school projects.  Stuffed animals up the wazoo.  EVERYTHING.

I'm finally down to a stack of about ten? boxes.  Once I sort through those, I'm DONE.  For the first time in many years I have a CLEAN room!!  I did a very long trip to Ikea last week, and I'm redecorating the whole thing.  New desk, new bookshelf (squee), new duvet, curtains for my closet, and a reading chair.  My parents are being super generous and financing the whole thing, as long as I stay within a reasonable price range.  I figured out a layout that allows for all those things in my tiny tiny room.  Plus these will all be compact items for when I do move in less than a year.  I'm super excited.  It is finally turning into a place I can relax and escape to.  A place I can be proud of.

Friday and Saturday nights I spent out with Korey and his lady.  We checked out the Stockton hookah bar on Friday to visit old friends then picked up my Anthony (who I hadn't seen in MONTHS) on our way into Lodi.  I went to a bar there, which was a bit dissapointing.  I had never done it before, and while I didn't expect much it was still pretty.. blah.  I did have a Corona though, so I have officially had a drink in a bar.  Woo.. haha.  After that we went to Johnny's to socialize, which got a bit awkward when he got drunk and constantly hit on me in front of his girlfriend who I have a history with (in that she has a very strong dislike for me).  I slipped a bit and confessed missing him and that being around him was hard for me in some text messages, and Anthony helped me get back on track.  Learning from past mistakes and all, plus I soooo don't need to allow myself become dagged back into the whole mess that is those people.

Saturday I drove Korey & Roselynn to Modesto where we checked out the hookah bar there.  It was soo fun!  We sat in a booth with drapery, and just acted like kids.  The music there was very loud, so we all bounced around in our seats acting like complete loons.  Lodi kids know how to go hyphy  ;) lol.  Plus we developed a fan club that coudn't seem to be able to take their eyes off of us (especially Korey).  Downside was that we smoked two whole bowls between the three of us in under two hours, so we were melllllllow by the time we got back into Stockton.  As we were driving there, Curtis texted us, and since we all missed him we asked him to meet up, and he said he was at the Stockton hookah bar.  We headed over, and found his motorcycle but couldn't find him.  Johnny was working and you could TELL he felt awkward, but was still friendly and hung out with me.  The minute his ex showed up, he wouldn't even acknowledge my presense.  I still haven't heard from him.  Oh well, I do wish him the best.  I  would love to keep him in my life as a friend, but if it doesn't work it's not the end of the world.  As we left we ran into Curtis who was DRUNK off his ass (I've never seen him like that).  Strange night overall.

School is going SO well.  I'm getting the best grades I've had since highschool.  I credit it to the fact that I only attend two days a week which gives me a lot more time to study and handle the rest of my life.  Plus I love (most) of my classes.  I am LOVING Sociology, psych is boring but easy, linguistics is fun (I have my German Professor again), and geography is... well a pain in the ass but manageable.  I'm... happy.  I'm not used to that feeling when it comes to school.

Anyways, time to pull out my book before bed.  I'm rereading the Twilight series again  =]
plus I just understood a Sweeny Todd reference in Will & Grace that I never understood before.  two points for me!! haha

roselynn, ikea, decorating, school, room, curtis, johnny, korey, twilight

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