Dec 25, 2009 23:39
Ahhhh, another year, another Christmas. Another day! Haha, yeah.
Last night at Heather's. It hasn't been too bad, though the first morning really kicked my ass. Got here Wednesday night and they'd already taken care of most of the animals; just had to feed the chickens and put them in the coop for the night. I go out and they're in their coop, but their water bowl is frozen solid. Had to break it open and refill their food bowl and by the time I bring those back, they've decided to come out of the coop. And then refuse to go back inside. I spent a good 5-10mins chasing them around a tree, trying to herd them back inside. When I went to pick one up to stuff it in, they'd flap their wings and dodge. I was unimpressed and thinking this was not a good start, but they eventually went back in and I got them all locked up tight. Thursday morning, come out, and their water bowl is frozen again. And, on top of that, ALL of the horses' water bowls are frozen too. I managed to kick a good sized hole in them, as I wasn't sure how long it wasn't going to take me to break it all and I had to go to work, and I decided to take the chickens' bowl inside and run hot water over it to get it thawed. And that's when I discovered...I locked myself out of the house. With the keys inside.
At that point, the only thing in my mind was, Shit! I'm so screwed. Even my phone is inside. So very screwed. But, I prevailed; I pushed the door really hard and it popped open, haha. Turns out it doesn't close very well unless it's slammed, and I hadn't slammed it. Go me! So I got them all fed and watered and off to work! Only to slip on some ice on the way to my car, and complete ass-plant. My leg had crossed beneath me somehow, so I wound up sitting on my ankle for a second, thinking, huh. This morning has really sucked so far.
But got in my car and off to my four-hour work day, which was fine. The wife of one of the techs made all sorts of delicious goodies and I ate quite a bit of fudge, mmm-mmm. Then I went home, packed up some stuff, then back to Heather's and I've been here since! It hasn't been nearly as bad as that first morning, but oh my god, every frikkin' time I go out there, the stupid horse buckets are frozen. I found a shovel in the tack room and I spend like half an hour just breaking the stupid ice. My arms are so sore! I don't know how she does it twice a day, EVERY DAY. I'd go crazy. I cheated this morning, and didn't fill them completely so the sun would hit the ice and melt it a little so it'd be easier to break. Really. It worked wonderfully on one, not so much on the other. Boo.
And I keep injuring my fingers here. Well, actually, the same finger. It's so sad looking, and it bleeds like a mofo. Booooo.
Still, overall, it's fine. I've done laundry, I watched movies I've wanted to and haven't been able to yet (Public Enemies and Inkheart, which I'm sad to say both sucked), and I've had glorious food. And, on top of that, Heather and her sister got me a B&N gift card for $40. How amazing is that? I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have are pretty awesome. And since they got me that for doing practically nothing (sore arms aside), I cleaned their house. Just the public areas, and mostly focusing on the kitchen. I always get that urge when I'm here anyway, just 'cause they ALWAYS have dishes in the sink, so I finally got to wash them all, haha! And I deep-cleaned their counters, I'm going to sweep the floor and the bathroom floor, then vacuum the living room and foyer. I think that'll be good. Gonna finish up tomorrow before I leave.
Penelope is still a shockingly cute movie, I have to admit. Such a hot kissing scene! Everytime I watch it, I have to rewind it a few times just for that scene.
Anyway. I was very bad, and spent $850 at Best Buy last week. Got a microwave, an actual TV stand, Fear, the 12th season of the Simpsons, and the 5th season of House. Then I got my mom and stepdad some TV seasons they wanted, aaaaaand, I got my brother a PS3. Yes, I did. I'm such a sucker when it comes to my brother. I wound up telling him a few days before that I fully intended to get him one, and he actually called me up and told me not to spend that much on him. We talked back and forth and he said, bottom line, he'd absolutely love one but he'll love anything I get him regardless of the price. I think it was his guilt talking, because he told me that most I could expect is a card, 'cause he's broke broke broke. But he did promise me a big blow-out birthday this year, so we'll see.
But I got him that, because I didn't know what else. I'm still a very mean person anyway. He'd mentioned that I could just get him a bag of candy and he'd be happy, and it turns out I'd actually gotten him one before the whole PS3 thing started. So I packaged that with my mom and stepdad's presents, and wrote on the card that he said he wanted a bag of candy, so that's what he got. And I mailed all of it together one day. And then I mailed the PS3 separately, the next day. According to the post office, they should arrive about a day apart, which is what I was hoping. So he'll get to squirrrrrrm, hahahahaa! If only I could be there, to see the disappointment on his face when that first package arrives. 'Cause I fully expect an all-caps text when he gets his game, haha. I'm excited for him to receive it! I like giving presents.
They called me up today too, to wish me a merry Christmas and all that. My mom asked if I've gotten an email from my dad, which I haven't. Oh well. She texted me afterwards too to ask if I'd gotten my card yet. I have not, but now I'm somewhat excited while trying not to get my hopes up. I figure she'd only ask if there's money in it, and I'm curious as to how much. I'm thinking very low, due to everything she's done for me this year and the stepdad's job situation (though I haven't heard anything about that, so who knows), but anything helps. 'Cause I'm still broke as all get out, and my check is gonna be depressingly low this time around. I'm still waiting on my last check from the school though, so that'll help too. We'll just have to see!
I've gotten quite a bit of stuff moved into my new place now. Finally took down my DVD shelves, which were making me nervous because I'm going to try to get my full deposit back and those caused a lot of holes in the wall. I got some spackling stuff from Wal-Mart though, and it wasn't too hard to fill them in. I just need to get some sandpaper and touch-up paint and I think it'll actually be good. I've gotten all of my movies moved over, and their furniture, and now I'm going to work on books probably tomorrow. It's sad, but that's most of my stuff right there, haha. And I was glancing over the electricy company's webpage, and the deposit my landlord mentioned is mentioned on there, saying that it's required when the first bill is due, which is cool. Hopefully that won't be til mid to end January. I'd feel better financially if that's the case.
The office truck has been having some serious problems lately, just starting, which makes me nervous for moving next weekend. If worse comes to worse, I'll just rent a UHaul, but I really hope it's okay for moving. Need to save money! Tra la la la.
I'm taking the Sunday after New Year's off from B&N, so I will actually have a three day weekend! Wow! I really don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I'm thinking of going out with Diana and them to party, which is in direct contrast to the last sentence of the previous paragraph, I know. But I saw her yesterday and she said they're looking at really cheap places to go to, so we'll see. Maybe, if my mom sent me a goodly amount of money, I'll be bad and go out. Otherwise, I'll just start organizing my new place. Mwaha.
Good lord, my right arm hurts. Blech.
Alright, that's it. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!