I doom and anoint her a cowboy singer

Jan 22, 2011 23:47

My plan was to stay in as much as possible this weekend to work on the Paying Gig and to save my spoons for the next three which will be busy-busy (I'm already double- or triple-booked at one or more points each next weekend and the one two after, and the one between is Headstones Time). That hasn't quite worked out so far, mostly because our new roommates MJ (human), Alaska (old lady poodle dog), Beowulf (pushy cat), and Shiloh (dim bulb cat, who is either lost in the dark downstairs right now or attempting to echolocate) moved in for real today, and between helping to move things in and move things around and assemble Ikea furniture (and, tbh, plotting my C6Dbb in chat with fellow participants--thanks again for helping me pick a bunny!--and watching Festivids vids, see below) ate up more of the day and evening than anticipated. Sigh.

festivids went live today! I didn't participate, but I did upload a couple of sources to a secret source place for vidders to use, so I feel a little like I contributed anyway. I've really enjoyed almost every link I've clicked on.

Hardest Man does wonderful things with space and pauses and says so much so subtly about Jade and dad's relationship (Double Happiness is just a fantastic movie). Is There a Ghost is captivating, if a little bit generic after the first minute--which unnerved me the first time through because I wasn't sure if it was going to be video at all, or just stills, but now it's my favourite part because for that minute, the "ghost" isn't Oliver, it's Geoffrey.

The two Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford vids, Ghost of a Shark and especially Serpent Charmer, are great because they show me things I totally don't remember from the source. Like, I remember that the movie was beautifully shot, but it was also slow and boring, or at least I found it so when I saw it, and I spent most of it rolling my eyes and waiting for buildings or people I knew to appear in the background but these vids throwing that beauty back at such a fast clip make it all the more striking, and was the intense whatever-the-fuck between Robert and Jesse really that on-the-surface in the movie itself?

You say tomato, I say tabarnak, on the other hand, is great because it is such a tight condensation of canon--like, there it is, that's Bon Cop, Bad Cop in 90 seconds, and everything else is padding (the movie starts strong and ends . . . messy). November Rain is even more of a precis, but because it's Blade Runner it is almost five minutes of beautifully edited reminder of how this movie is so fabulous and so nuanced and so 80s.

Push was another disappointing movie (IMO--it presents some really promising ideas and then suddenly it's like "oh crap the movie's almost over how should we end it I don't knooow") that vids beautifully. Like, you add Mumford & Sons "I Gave You All" and all this stuff that was flashy or pretentious in the movie suddenly becomes thrilling and emotionally powerful. Likewise adding Echo & the Bunnymen's "Killing Moon" to create Fate (against your will), even if this one especially makes me look at Chris Evans and think "Jensen, where are your glasses? You're going to walk into a wall!"

I'm Your Man is awesome because it's JEKYLL! and Jekyll is always awesome (unf, James Nesbitt, hello!) and it's a Jackman/Hyde vid, and that really is the most fascinating "ship" on the show, and the song! I was put off at first by the tacky Buble cover, but it really grew on me as the vid went on, and I'm not sure Cohen himself would have worked here (however, watching this one just after I watched the Jurassic Park one, meant I had to restart the vid because I was too busy giggling about this to pay attention). EEEEEEEEEE Hyde!

Steer (Tipping the Velvet) is beautiful and heart-warming. Yay Nan!

Misfit's First Christmas totally nails the sense of humour and the whole spirit of the show perfectly.

The two Community vids, both the exquisite Troy/&Abed Space Oddity and the AMAZING Abed vid tv taught me how to feel, do fabulous things with the source material, which is already so rich and clever and dense with activity, and demonstrate genius song choices.

Pump It! is a great get-up-and-dance vid for a ridiculous 'splodey movie of which I am particularly fond.

My favourite favourites were the Deadwood vids, because I love Deadwood. Cowboy Singer (safe for my Deadwood-watching compadres because it only covers up to s1e5, which is as far as we've ventured; the other one has spoilers for the whole series) was kind of "meh" at first--it's well done and of course I love the vid source, but it's not my favourite Carter/Grammer song and I don't care much about Bill/Jane as a pairing--but the ending, with the "doom and anoint her", wow! That's a killer. The other Deadwood vid, Angels Would Fall knocked my socks clean off. Holy cow, beautiful. Joanie! And Jane! And Charlie and Fields and everybody! The tree in the house! Bill's buffalo robe! SHOW <3! Oh my goodness Festivids.

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fandom, friends (the ones who choose you), writing, vidding, moving, music, film/tv

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