Title: Humble Pie
general_nothingRating: G
Charaters/Pairings: DG
Disclaimer: Tin Man belongs to someone not me.
Warnings: None
Summary: She didn't want the credit.
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Humility
“Thank you so much, Princess.”
“We owe you our lives, Princess.”
“I don’t know what I would do if you hadn’t come along, Princess.”
DG hated that everyone seemed to think that it was just her that saved the O.Z. She wanted Glitch and Raw and Cain and the whole Resistance to get the credit, not her.
She wasn’t the only one who fought the witch. She’d only really been fighting for less than a week. The Resistance had had been fighting the witch for fifteen years.
It wasn’t right that everyone seemed to think that it was just her.
Title: Redemption
general_nothingRating: PG
Charaters/Pairings: Azkadellia & The Sorceress
Disclaimer: Tin Man belongs to someone not me.
Warnings: None
Summary: They'll never accept you.
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Redemption
A few moments before the witch was ripped out of her, when Azkadellia was reaching for her baby sister and the witch was screaming for control, time slowed for a moment. They had a conversation, much like ones they had when the witch first started to control the older princess.
“They won’t accept you back into society,” the witch rasped. “You’ll never be able to redeem yourself.”
“Maybe not,” Azkadellia said back with so much venom in her voice that it was almost as if she were the witch. “But I’d rather live with their hatred than with your evilness.”
Title: Sunny Days and Muglug
general_nothingRating: PG
Charaters/Pairings: Az/Glitch
Disclaimer: Tin Man belongs to someone not me.
Warnings: None
Summary: He always did know how to make her feel better
Word Count: 200
Prompt: Bias
“You look fine, Azka-Dee,” Glitch says, coming up behind the oldest princess to watch her fuss with herself in the mirror. “You’re like a sunny day or a warm cup of muglug. You’re like a rainbow between the two suns. You’re like a sunny day or a warm cup of muglug.”
“You said that one already,” Azkadellia says with a giggle. She’s watching him in the mirror and shivers when his broad hands run across her waist. “And you have to say that.”
“I don’t have to say anything,” he whispers, but it’s muffled because he’s moved his head to press kisses to her neck. “I say it because I want to. And because you need it.”
She shivers again at the wet warmth of his breath on her neck and because this man is less Glitch, more Ambrose at the moment. The Ambrose who takes control of her body and soul on a daily basis and makes her body sing as he plays it like the harp he used to play before the witch took everything he used to be.
“You’re biased,” she tries to say, but he captures her lips with his, teasing her, and swallows her fears.
Title: The Cain Thief
general_nothingRating: G
Charaters/Pairings: Jeb, Linsey, Kathrin, Wyatt, & Lily Ann (the gangs all here!)
Disclaimer: Tin Man belongs to someone not me.
Warnings: None...fluff
Summary: There's a thief amongst them.
Word Count: 300
Prompt: Abscond
“Lins, have you seen my holster?” Jeb asks, wandering into the kitchen. His wife, red hair wild and falling out of her bun, looks up from feeding Lily Ann.
“Nope,” Linsey answers, just as Kathrin flings herself around her father’s legs.
“Daddy!” she exclaims and Jeb reaches down to pick her up. Her cry distracts Lily Ann from eating and Linsey laughs as she watches her youngest daughter try to turn in her high chair.
Lily Ann calms when Jeb walks around to the table, plopping Kathrin down into a chair.
“I have to leave soon,” Jeb says before pressing a kiss to Linsey’s lips. They take a moment for themselves just before Lily Ann cries out and Kathrin begs her father not to leave.
“I don’t where it is,” Linsey says and then turns back to finish feeding Lily Ann.
Jeb sighs and goes to look through their bedroom once again. He passes by his sons room, popping in to see if he was up. Wyatt was always the last one up in the house and usually had to be dragged out of bed.
Looking inside, Jeb is surprised to see that not only is Wyatt awake, but that he is dressed and standing in the middle of his room, trying valiantly to attach Jeb’s missing holster to his tiny body.
“What are you doing, little man?” Jeb asks, going in to his son’s room.
“Nuffin’,” Wyatt says, still trying to attach the empty gun holster.
“Nothing, huh?” Jeb asks and laughs when his son’s elbow somehow gets tangled up with the shoulder strap. He chuckles harder when he sees the look of pure determination on his son’s face.
“So this is where my holster got to,” he says, untangling his son and righting the holster on his body.