Jun 12, 2005 01:33
so, things i've learned so far in life: people hate truth the most, and you get in trouble when you tell it. People much prefer the worlds in their heads to the actual one. it is very nice and all to think you are insanely smart and everyone else is wrong about things...until you get into an arguement. I never was quite sure how to spell neighbor until i wrongly corrected a teacher in the middle of class. So, other things i've learned: how to spell neighbor; that the oddest people are usually the best; and that everyone is different, but we sure do have a lot in common.
And really, we do have alot in common...even the obvious stuff: two hands, two feet, one nose, etc. etc.
Then the less obvious:the same emotions, desires...and it really gets down to the bare nothings of things. Everyone is connected in some way. People are people.
But two people in a bar arn't going to get together because they both have two ears. And i'm not going to try to say i understand romance, but alot of it is liking and wanting the same things,isn't it? The more connected you are to a person, the more connected you want to be to the person.
I don't connect with many people, maybe that's why don't like many of them.