Listen up bitch

Apr 13, 2004 20:02

Ok well I'm kicking my ass now for getting Justine a job.
where to start...

1-She doesn't do shit, sitting on the counter chewing her ice and checking one article of clothing is all you will get out of her. But I suppose I am the lazy one being I check orders from 10-30 pieces and mark them in in the time she checks one little bag of 5 pieces, but I don't help every customer that walks in that door. Well I guess that's how it goes when you work there for 8 months, and have to help every customer that walks in for about 2 hours, while people are going on breaks and to the bank. At least when you're working, we're there for when it gets busy.

2-She thinks work is a place to for her friends to come hang out. It's not a problem when friends come in to say hi...but 3 times now and she's only been working 9 days. Yeah, that's not going to happen anymore.

3-She brings the god damn problem to work. You leave personal shit out of don't see me throwing clothes around, running into people, raising my voice, or getting testy with customers because of something non-related to them.

I'm not the only one that thinks this way...yeah that's right, Laura and Edith think you're lazy too, and are always telling me to let you know you need to work but being the nice person I was, I couldn't be rude because I didn't want you to get upset with me, but now I really don't give a shit how you feel. Yeah and Allen will know that you left tonight without permission, I don't give a shit if Bear was waiting outside for you and you were in a hurry to get on with your personal life, you were at work and you did not even ask if it was ok to leave, we could have had stuff to do but you wouldn't have known since you wouldn't talk.

Oh but I'm not finished, might as well get all of my feelings out now!

So earlier I got fed up with you because you seem to steal my fucking friends, but I said hey let's start fresh...well you just do it again.

-Brian (even though you knew who he was, you didn't talk to him and it was only through me)
-Colin (I introduced you to him too.)
-Ryan Nelson (you thought he was cute, and you had seen him before but never talked to him and then that one night at Starbucks/IHOP I was talking to him and you were all "oh you totally ditched me...oh hi I'm justine" funny how every time you mention Ryan you ask me if I know who he is.
-Nikki (Ok this one I find see her on myspace and add her as a friend, but wait a sec you never even talk to her at school or anywhere else. So how is she your friend?)
-Brooke (You've met her twice now, and you ask her to put her # on your hand, and tell her she has to go to the show with you, god we just move from friend to friend don't we?)
I just know once Ryan Owen comes in you'll introduce yourself and make him your "friend" too.

So this leads me to my theory...
You have a popularity issue. Everyone that is emo/hxc/indie, etc. has to become a friend of yours. Why, because you are trying to uphold an image. That's why everyone on your myspace profile looks the same. That's why you added Nikki, and want to hang out with Brooke. That's also why you did smoke or still do...because smoking is the indie thing to do, hah and I still remember you writing in lj "i'm craving a cigarette" and this was what, after 5...boy you get additcted quick! Oh and why is it you don't like Brian anymore? What was it you told Monty, because you realized he wasn't cool? Well if that isn't shallow enough. And for those that only know Justine as the "indie girl" only a few months ago when I first met her, she was a goody-goody mormon hanging with the goody-goody friends, but I guess she found her true inner self.

And another thing, all anyone ever hears is "aww poor me, everyone breaks my heart. I'm never good enough for anyone, blah blah blah" Well did you ever think that it's your own fucking fault? Here you meet Andrew and are already in love within a day, then it's on to Bear right after the day you break up...I really don't see how any of your relationships last if you don't even get to know them first.

I expect you to bitch right back at me, but hah you have to work with me tomorrow so I guess you better keep it clean. And work isn't the place to bring it, so you're fucked stupid cunt!
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