
Jul 20, 2006 20:19

I wasn’t going to come here tonight, but here I am.

Today I woke up and I didn’t have any bread, and so that kind of sucked. So I had to forego breakfast, but around 10 I convinced Persis to go across the street and buy me tea bread, so then I ate some and took painkillers.

My foot is much better today-I think by tomorrow I’ll be fine to go to Accra and stuff. It’s kind of stiff, but the swelling has gone way down and it doesn’t hurt as much to walk (I still took a taxi here, no worries). Philo came to check on me today, which was sweet, and also a testament as to how fast word spreads in this town..haha. I suppose by now all the Italians know that I hurt my foot, because about four of them walked by the office today while I was waiting for Robert (my taxi driver) and asked me how it was. And I’m sure everyone on my street knows about it, and all my compound, and everybody within 50 miles of here…haha. That’s small-town life for you.

Plans have changed, and Philo and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon instead of Saturday morning for Accra. So..around 2:00 I decided that I should probably go ahead and do wash, so I did, until about 5. I think today was the worst possible weather for wash though, besides rain-no sun, and very windy, so that I won’t be surprised if half my stuff is off the line by the time I get back to the house.

As I was doing wash, Selorm (one of Aggie’s teachers) came to me and told me that Aggie had prepared dinner for me and that I should go over there. I was more than a little irritated-I was kind of pissed, because I was looking forward to some nice dining here at Cisnero’s, and some time alone, but I called Robert and went to Aggie’s anyway. I knew as soon as I got there I wouldn’t care that she had ruined all my plans, because that’s just the kind of person Aggie is-she makes you happy and is ecstatic to see you no matter what. So I ate her spaghetti (with fish sauce and boiled eggs, not exactly my favorite) and we had cokes at Juliana’s guest house (that Aggie’s house is behind) and it was really nice, actually. I got to see Rebecca, one of her orphans, who is five and positively the most adorable creature I’ve ever seen…I have to take pictures of her because she’s just too cute to put into words. She even has a little fro..oh my god she’s so cute. Anyway..so then I called Robert and he brought me here, but Mike was in the car-Mike being one of Corrine’s friends that I met in Accra, and randomly apprehended me right as I was walking home with my possibly broken foot. He’s here because his grandmother died a few days ago, and that’s sad, but it’s always nice to see a face you know-and I was totally surprised that the same taxi driver who had picked up Mike was picking me up. Strange..so anyway, I’m here, and I’m going to do online stuff and then call Robert and then see if anything on the clotheslines at home is dry. I doubt it..but I’ve got until tomorrow afternoon to get that stuff dry, so wish me luck.

I hope you guys have a good weekend..I think Philo and I are coming back Sunday, but I have no idea whether or not I’ll have time or energy to get to an internet café before Monday. So..with that said, I will enjoy my last weekend in Ghana, and I hope all you kids enjoy your weekend too.
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